Sunday, June 12, 2005


I guess Mike Tyson wasn't all that everyone cracked him up to be. I have never taken Tyson in a bet with Bill, and have still never lost. I think Tyson sucks. Oh well, I won again, one more and Bill can take my whole family out to eat, I guess. For the record, it is now 2-0 Jimbo. That's right Skidmore, you lost again. Mike Tyson my ass. Gargabe. Refuse. Trash. He is all those things and more. Throwing in the towel, are you kidding me? You should have to pay double if your fight is scared to come out of his corner. What a joke.

All for now



At 12:36 PM, June 12, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy did I get into to trouble about not being able to work in poker night!! Especially after we found out Gene and Shelli were there! But I have to work and play soccer on Saturdays. But work is done after June and so is soccer. So please let us know when the next poker game is. David LOVES to play, but he doesn't have anyone around here to play with! We are going to try to go to San Antonio at the end of July and we might could swing another day and come see you guys!! We love you!


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