Thursday, June 16, 2005

Catching up!

Hey! Guess what. I ended up last night in Marshall Texas, went to eat at Golden Corral, then to the hotel to watch the Rangers and go to sleep. PARTY!!! We showed up in Carthage this morning at 7:30 am, and the son of a bitch no-showed us. We called, went to his house, went to the Sheriff's Office, to the JP, nobody could help us because all of our chemical was locked inside his warehouse. So we looked some more, still didn't find him. We needed chemical, because Shawn, my boss, made a damn sale last night at the hotel. But, we couldn't get any. So we had to go meet George in Terrell at 1:00 pm. Shawn went back to deliver, and George and I came home. Then, at 6:30, Shawn called me and said I have to be back in Carthage at 7:30 am, tommorrow, and bring George. The guy we were looking for finally showed up, and talked to Shawn, because he didn't know him, and had never seen Shawn's truck, which has no Company Signs on it. Slick huh? So, now I have to leave at 3:30 am to be back in Carthage by 7:30. Then home, and to a softball ceremony at 7:00 pm, then on to Longworth. So, I will not even be taking my quad with me on this trip. Too much crap, no rest. It will be about 21 hours from when I start tommorrow till we get to Longworth, and about 700 miles for me.

They guys started digging the hole for the pool today, and almost got done, using nothing but a Bobcat. The kids loved it when he was done for the day, because they had all kinds of fossils to go pick up, not to mention the bobcat that he left without the key, damn. Oh well, we do get a pool out of the deal, I guess I can live without getting to play on a Bobcat. There are a couple of pictures, one of the kids and the rock pile, and the other that should be titled "Hey, can I play too?"

All for now, I gotta get to bed, I'm beat



At 8:19 AM, June 17, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

ugh!! sorry to hear your having to travel so much in one day! Hope the man is there this time when you show up!!

Love the pool pictures.

Be safe!

At 6:27 PM, June 17, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

You should have came to Shreveport instead of Marshall to eat!!!! The pool sounds great!

Love Beth


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