Tuesday, June 14, 2005

A Very Berry Tuesday

Well, I went to dinner with a group of 10. Nothing out of the ordinary, just the Berryman clan heading out to share a meal. Never thought we'd be 10 strong though. Bobby, Chanda, Bailey, Chloe, Delaynee, Jim, Angie, Natalie, Matthew, and Brayden headed out to Casa Torres for supper. Angie and I were picking up Nat and Matt, who had gone to the water park with B, C, B, C & D. Everyone thought they had 5 kids. They look right, with Natalie, Matthew, Bailey, Chloe, and Delaynee lined up, they are a perfect stair step. Bailey is older, but Matthew is taller. They had a blast. Natalie feels like a grownup now, because she couldn't go on the children's rides with the rest of the group, she is too tall. Matthew is very close. We measured them last night, and Natalie is 4' 6 1/4" and Matthew is 4' 4 3/4" tall. Brayden is 6'2" by the way, he is ahead of schedule.

I am headed to Carthage, Texas tommorrow and the next day, so there may not be a post tommorrow, unless I can borrow my boss's laptop. Mine was stolen, and I haven't replaced it just yet. We are going to close down a distributor, and bring all of our stuff back to here and Midland. So, unfortunatly, Angie and the kids are on their own tommorrow night. Brayden is to the point that he is not too much of a handfull anymore. I can handle him by myself for hours at a time, so Angie probably won't notice that I'm gone. Plus, Natalie and Matthew are huge helps, when they want to be. I'm sure that the alarm will be set long before sundown, and I will call our neighbor Mike and have him keep an eye on things also. He has a great vantage point. I believe Bobby will be back in Vernon, or I would ask him.

By the way, I have figured out what number I am going to put on my quad. B-12. Is that brilliant or what? Berryman's B-12. "Hey, what number is Berryman" "Uh, Berryman's B-12, I think" I can just hear it now. "Oh, you mean the guy they carted off in the ambulance?" "Yeah, that was him, nice quad though." That is all taking place this Saturday night, by the way. You may have to get on a list if you want a video, they will be $10.00, plus shipping. Hey, I'm not here to suffer and entertain you for free, am I? Gotta pay the doctor bills somehow!

That's about it for now,


P.S. Beth if we come to Shreveport for supper tonight (wednessday), I will call you.



At 9:05 AM, June 16, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

Ok so we will share an abulance Sat. when you get hurt and I freak out and have a heart attach. See you Sat. in the er

At 1:21 PM, June 16, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

I like the number you chose! :) Hope your trip went well. Talk to you soon!


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