Monday, June 13, 2005


Well, today was a fun day. I rode around in my truck all day, and did not have to talk to customers non-stop for the first time in a while. I sure didn't like everything that I found in the field, but we will get that resolved. I have high standards when it comes to the quality of service that I want my company to provide, maybe too high. Today, I didn't see any quality at all. My standards may be hard to reach for some, but they are not unattainable, nor unreasonable in my opinion. I just want to be held in high regard by my customers. I hate to leave anyone a reason to be able to justify getting rid of our service, but I saw plenty today. Puts knots in my stomach, but now that I know about it, I will get it fixed.

When I came home today, Angie said that she would like to go work out, so I said "Go for it". Natalie, Matthew, Brayden, and I took a walk down to the pond for a little exercise. Brayden was very cute in his denim "gilligans" hat. We walked around the pond, in the mud, on the dam, then to their crawdad fishing spot. They didn't catch any before Brayden and I left, but we did pet the horses. They came to see what we were up to, didn't scare Brayden at all. Not really sure he knew they were there. I had him in the baby backpack, on my front, facing away from me, so I couldn't see his face. Did I mention the mud? The kids are great, they always take their shoes off before they come in the house, but not Dad. Don't worry though, I got it cleaned up before Ang got home, as a matter of fact, she will learn of it when she reads this. See I do actually clean up some things around here, honey.

Natalie and Matthew came home about an hour after Brayden and I did. They said there were snakes in the pond. I told them that there weren't any snakes when I was there, maybe they were turtles. No, they were snakes, they didn't have shells. I explained that when turtles come up for air, they do not get their shells out of the water. Oh, good, they really didn't think they were snakes anyway. WHEW!!! Glad we got that straightened out.

No big news to report, everyone is doing fine. Natalie and Matthew are going to a water park with Bobby, Chanda, and the girls tommorrow. It is in North Richland Hills, called NRH2O. Pretty cool huh? Bobby says it is fantastic. I wish we could go, but unfortunately, I have a couple of scheduled jobs tommorrow, and I can't get out of them. That's OK though, there is always next time, I think they have been an average of twice a week so far this summer.

Thanks for reading this,



At 8:38 AM, June 14, 2005, Blogger Kay said...

Sounds like you and the kids had a good time at the pond. I hope they really aren't snakes! You just wait, Brayden will be down there with them soon and I hope he enjoys the pond as much as rest of you. I bet Nat and Matt have a blast at the waterpark. I want to go......

At 2:22 PM, June 14, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

whip those guys into shape and tell them to get things up to standard!

Sounds like you guys had a nice evening together. It is great that you live in a place that the kids and roam free and enjoy life! It is to bad that so many kids don't get to experience these types of things. Let them enjoy it all!!

At 3:27 PM, June 14, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

sounds like you all had a good time. And I bet the snake was as tall as Matt.

The water park sound fun, too.


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