Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Matthew's Race

Matthew's race is this Saturday, in Witchita Falls, TX. It's at Texoma Speedway, just outside of Witchita on Hwy 82 (Seymour Highway). Races start at 7:00 pm, and they will probably start with the kids. I don't know that for sure, but I believe it to be a fair assumption, everyone always starts with the kids. I may end up taking my 4-wheeler and testing the waters also. What the hell, right? The address of the track is 7567 Seymour Highway.

Ok, on to bigger and better stuff. For some unknown reason, I have been freaked out all damn day. I can't sleep now. I have no idea what is bothering me, maybe I do, but I can't put a finger on it. Maybe it is my sales for this month, they suck. Maybe it's the fact that I spent so much time away from doing my job while I was in Carthage, waiting on our ex-distributor to show up. He still is missing, by the way. Maybe it's the fact that we are going on vacation in 2 weeks, and I really don't know where I stand in my job. I'm not afraid of being let go, it's just that I didn't like what I saw last Monday, then have been gone since then and nothing has been resolved. Maybe it's all of it combined. Today I was almost frozen. I didn't know where to start, or what to do when I got started. I don't think I have ever felt this way before. Hell, getting married didn't affect me this bad. Of course, I knew I had made the right decision there. So what's up with me. I have always felt so confident before. Nothing ever really bothers me much. I had fun this weekend. No problems with any of the kids. Natalie is doing great by the way. Just a funk, I guess. All I need is a swift kick in the ass, probably. Maybe it's all the job offers lately. There have been some good ones, but I truely am happy where I'm at. Not that I would have to move, but I like Dynochem. I like who I work with. I like the job that I do. I like everything about this company. I do believe that the Carthage fiasco was a load of crap, but so does everyone who was involved with it. That would be Shawn, my boss, me, and George, my protege', or whatever. I'm sure that David, the owner of the company, thinks it was a load of crap, too. He can't be happy tying up so many of his people for nothing.

Any thoughts?


P.S. Dad you need to call me, when you get the chance.



At 8:28 AM, June 21, 2005, Blogger Kay said...

Hang in there, Bubba! You know how it is with my job, so just keep on plowing ahead and it's gotta get better, right? Think about vacation, the kids and what is good right now. Did you get your mug? Love, Mom

At 8:39 AM, June 21, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

{{Hugs}} I sure wish there was a way to make you feel better. Sorry to hear that your feeling this way. I hope that you can figure out what is bothering you so much and take care of it.

Have fun at the races this weekend! I am sure Matthew is going to love it. can't wait to hear how it goes!

At 5:53 PM, June 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed your call this morning.
Hope you're feeling better.
Love ya


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