Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Never done this before

Today I had 3 hookups to do. I left the house at about 8:30 am, after meeting up with George to grab his pump, to facilitate filling the new bulk tanks. I actually didn't get to the first location till about 11:00 am. Finished the first hookup around noon. I strapped everything down on the trailer and left. Got a phone call from a customer on the way out. As I was talking, I looked in the mirror and noticed that one of the 2 remaining bulk tanks was about to come off the trailer. I stopped and resituated my load and continued on my way. Less than a mile later, I actually hit a roadrunner directly in the grill of my truck. I have never done that before. I got out and looked, yep, right through the grill, busted it up real nice, but the roadrunner was about half in and half out. So, I left it there. Kind of a badge of marksmanship, ya know. Hell, it was a first. I took him out at home, after Angie saw him. You always need a witness. My grill is broken, but it went back in place, no problem. I love my truck. Battleworthy if nothing else.

I feel better about everything today. I don't know what was bothering me yesterday, but thanks for listening. I guess getting out and actuall doing something fixed my mood. Talking to Bobby yesterday helped a bunch too. Hitting the roadrunner didn't hurt things either. I laughed my head off when I got out and saw a wing and a foot sticking out of my grill. Funnier than any words can describe.

The pool is almost finished. Should be completely done by Friday. The pump is running as we speak, or as I type. It is almost completely backfilled, I guess the only thing left is the cement around it and cleanup. Wow these guys are fast, not to mention good. I am very impressed.

I saw Chanda at Vacation Bible School. I did not realize that Bailey and Chloe were going also. We spoke for a brief minute as I was coming out and she was going in. I didn't realize that I would have to go in to get Nat and Matt. So, I was wearing my red fleece house shoes when I did. I looked like Bozo the Clown. How embarassing!! Funny to the kids, but, OK, funny to me too. Natalie and I had a great talk on the way home about my Grandpa Berryman. She made a prayer jar at VBS, and there is a prayer in there. I did not ask what it is, because I feel that is personal, but she still thinks about Papa almost as much as I do. She wants to make him Father's Day cards, and Christmas cards and such to be left at his grave, so he won't feel like he has been forgotten. Believe me, as I sit here in tears, he has not been forgotten. I think about him every day, as I do my best friend Bill Boice, and my cousin Coy Berryman. I miss them all greatly, and I will never forget them, ever. I learned things from each one of them, but I learned so many things from Papa. He is my inspiration in so many things that I do. I'm sure that Angie is tired of me crying about it by now. This October will be 4 years, but it seems like yesterday to me. One day I will share some of the memories that I have of Papa, but not now. I just get so damn emotional. I honestly can't talk about it without crying. I just can't go through life crying all the time.

Jeez, enough already. Maybe I should learn to let go, but I don't want to. There are some things in life that should not happen. Have I really been that sheltered all my life? People deal with this happening to them every day, and they don't break down at the mention of a name. I know that I am emotional, it makes me who I am, a sensitive asshole. People for the most part can't stand me, and I actually prefer it that way. I have to change myself to be able to do my job, until my customers get to know me, then I let it take it's own course. Wow, I really got on a roll there, didn't I? That's enough for now. Too introspective, I'll just be a big puddle of goo if I keep this up.

See ya then,


P.S. Angie, I LOVE YOU, and everything you do for me. Thank you for being there, even when you are asleep.



At 8:27 AM, June 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss him everyday too. Love Dad

At 8:47 AM, June 22, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

Glad that you are feeling better about things today. I think it is safe to say that we all go threw days like that. {{hugs}}

In my opinion there is nothing at all wrong with still crying when you think of Papa, or getting teary eyed when you hear his name. And you don't have to let go! You just hold any and all memories of PaPa close and remember him daily. If that mean shedding a tear or two so be it!

And on the note that " People for the most part can't stand me,..." I say the ones that really matter love you for YOU! To hell with the rest of them. If they really want to get to know Jim they will be around long enough to realize that you are a great guy.

Love ya sweetie!

At 4:35 PM, June 22, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

dito to Kim's comment


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