Tuesday, June 28, 2005

It wasn't really a dream!

Here is the link to the results page for Texoma Motor Speedway. http://www.speednetdirect.com/syndicate/synd_resultselect.php?uid=texoma&sel_track=6087&nav_step=results
You have to look down the right hand column, to Amateur Quad - Open A, for my results, and to Peewee Quad for Matthews results. Pretty cool huh?

Nothing much happened today. Just work. I am a little sore though, but that is to be expected.

Tommorrow, I am taking Natalie to the Psychotherapist in Fort Worth. We are very happy with the results that this has brought us. This will be the last visit for a while, because she is doing so well. Of course, she is relaxed because there is no school right now, but this helped before school was out. So, we will continue this course of treatment as long as it works. Hopefully this is all we will ever need. She deserves for this to work. No one should have to endure the crap she has been through with this disorder, but I know people do endure this in much greater amounts, every day, than Natalie does. I wish it never happened to her, but if she has to go through this, I am thankful that it is on such a small scale compared to others. It does seem that the really bad things always happen to those who are least deserving. I know Natalie has done nothing to deserve it, and that sucks. But, we have it under controll for now, and that is what's important.

Matthew can't get enuogh of the pool, even though it is not finished. Natalie likes it, but I don't think she likes her brother being in there at the same time. Go figure! Funny that they will finish it in time for us to go on vacation. It will probably be full of green slime when we get home. Oh well, if it is, then we will drain it and start over, water is free here, just costs electricity. No biggie.

Hope everyone is doing well. See ya next time.



At 8:59 AM, June 28, 2005, Blogger Angie said...

Way to go Matt and Jim! :)

At 9:37 AM, June 28, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

That is so great that Matt and you can enjoy something together. Natalie you are in prayers and we love you! Brayden and Matthew we love you too! Have a great vacation and Jim try to control yourself! hahaha Love Beth

At 10:14 AM, June 28, 2005, Blogger Kay said...

Way to go Matthew! You did a great job, too, Jim. I hope this becomes a good hobby for both of you. You look so cooool in your riding clothes. The pool (Angie sent pictures) looks great. I know you all will enjoy it. Keep the pumps running and the chlorine high while you're gone and it should be good to go when you get home. The picture of Brayden "playing" the video game is really cute. Love to All, Mom

At 10:36 AM, June 28, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

I am so glad to hear that this treatment is doing good for Natalie. Your right, she doesn't deserve to have to deal with this. She has some damn good parents to do what ever it takes to get her the help she needs. Have fun swimming. Hopefully it wont be to bad when you guys return!


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