Friday, June 24, 2005


I don't have much for today. I didn't see my family much. George went back to Carthage today, and his truck broke down on the way home. I left to go get him at about 3:00 pm, and didn't make it home till about 8:50 pm. Now we have to go back and get his truck, but will probably wait till Tuesday. We have plent of stuff to do till then.

I got my ass chewed today. My boss, Shawn, said he had had enough of my attitude. REALLY? Yeah, I guess he was probably right. I have heard it enough in my lifetime to know that I have been pushing it lately. Oh well, it did kind of put me straight. I was down to start the week, but have recovered lately. I just kept the attitude, I guess. I have no reason to bitch, George was stranded starting at about 11:30 am. He had a bad day. If I was him, I would have stayed the night, and learned if they could have my truck fixed tommorrow. Now we have to go back and get it when it is done. Oh well, if I was stranded, and wanted to get home, I would hope someone would come get me. I can't leave him just to leave him, right. It was an inconvenience, but it was the right thing to do.

Crossing the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex was another story. It sucked. Took me an hour to go fifteen miles. The rest of the drive was OK, just long. He did make it almost to Terrell, TX before his truck broke.

We just had a window alarm go off. I checked them all, but nothing. They are only supposed to go off if the magnetic field between the two sensors is broken, by moving the window, presumably. I guess a bug could have gone between them and done it. It didn't even wake Angie up, and I sleep much harder than she does, so I guess it really was a good idea to get them. The robbery has made us be much more aware of the security of the house. I would have thought it paranoid a few months ago, but not now. I feel we are safe, but you never know.

Our biggest problem of the moment is ants in the house. I have done the Ortho Max bug thing twiced around the outside of the house. Angie feels that this killed all the spiders that were keeping the ants out, by eating them. Do spiders eat ants? I have no idea, but it is the only guess that we have at this point. I think we are going to have someone come out and spray professionaly, but it has to be baby safe, ya know. Brayden is about to be mobile, and we don't want him in any of that crap. Of course, we don't want him bitten by ants either.

I guess that's it for today. See ya when I see ya.



At 9:21 AM, June 24, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend! Can't wait to hear about the races.

Ants are such a pain in the ass! We deal with little bugs around our house all the time as well. At one point the ants were really bad, but not so bad this year. Just other bugs now. lol

Have a super weekend!


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