Saturday, June 25, 2005

Friday again

Well, they are just about done with the pool. The actually haven't done much the last two days, but still are ahead of the two week schedule that they laid out for us. They are forming up and pouring concrete tommorrow and will do the final cleanup on Monday. Angie had them go ahead and put the stairs in today, so we played in the pool this evening. It was nice, after a hot day, to come home and get in the pool. Brayden got in with Angie, and after the initial shock wore off, after about two minutes, he loved it too. Can't ask for more than that, can we. At least he won't be keeping one of us out of the pool all summer.

Well, we race tommorrow night, Saturday night that is, in Wichita Falls. I am not really nervous at all. I want to do it. I thought the fact that my brother and sister-in-laws would be there was what was bothering me about racing in Abilene, but I was wrong. I would have loved racing in front of them. They supported me even though I didn't race. Tommorrow, Bobby, Chanda, Bailey, Chloe, Delaynee, Dad and Granny will be there, and I can't wait. Billy and Carolyn wouldn't be a surprise either, but I haven't heard anything from them. I am much more nervous about Matthew. I don't think he will get hurt or anything, I just want him to do good. He rides very well, and is fearless. Those are both good things. But, I worry just the same. I'm sure everything will be fine. You can go to to check the results. I don't know how often they update, but last weekends results were up by Monday. We will register our numbers so they will score us. Matthew has chosen the number 18, so I hope nobody else has it. You will also be able to find out how we do here on my site, of course. I will be B12 or 12 if they don't allow letters, and if nobody else has that number. I will go to 24 next, then 23 until I hit an open number. Matthew will be in the Peewee division, and I will be in the Open A division, or the Open Expert division, just depends. Hell, I might even wear a Depends, who knows! We are all going, so it is truly a family outing. I hope the noise doesn't bother Brayden.

I have to get up tommorrow and go get the trailer from Bobby's house, do minor maintenance on the 4-wheelers, and load them and we will be ready to go. The only maintenance is to tighten Matt's chain and change my oil. Maybe we can do good enough to get a fuel sponsorship, hint hint. My father-in-law is a distributor for VP race fuels. Only the best race fuels in the world, seriously. God, I hope Matt doesn't get bored, and go try to find things to jump in the parking lot, during the race. He understands racing, but he has never done any. He might cut corners, get lost, or run into someone or something. Who knows at this point. Whatever he does will be just fine with me.

Natalie is still doing just fine, no worries there. Anyone have a horse they might want to get rid of, that is very gentle and kid friendly? That is what she truly wants. She is not into racing at all. She can like anything she wants to as far as I am concerned. I will never push my children into doing something they don't want to do. I am thrilled that she can't wait till softball season though. We both love that.

Well I guess I should get to bed. Haven't heard anything from the investigator about our robbery, but maybe we will. I will update you guys as soon as possible about the races.

See ya then



At 9:51 AM, June 25, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go Matthew!!!!!
Good luck to both of you!
:) Reagan

At 9:54 AM, June 25, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go Matthew!!!!!
Good luck to both of you!
:) Reagan


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