Sunday, June 26, 2005


Ok, Saturday night was fun. Matthew won both of his races going away. He only had one other kid to race against, and it was no contest, he was on a 40. He got a 1st place trophy and a feature winner sticker for his efforts. Matthew is on the wrong 4 wheeler, he has a 50 and he needs a 90 very badly. Maybe if there was another 50 there it would have helped, but we couldn't be prouder of him. He gave it his all, and if the competition sucked, it is no fault of his. The race with the 90's was awesome, they were completely clearing a 20ft long tabletop jump that Matthew never left the ground on. Those little bikes were awesome.

I raced also, but no other amateurs showed up, so the put me in the open pro division. This was fun and sucked at the same time. I raced hard, but didn't fare well against these guys, but I didn't get lapped. The first race was kind of up and down, I didn't know the track very well and I only had one lap of practice. In the second race, I did much better, until I locked my brakes on the second lap and killed my 4-wheeler. I did get much more used to the track, it will just take a while to get it down. Maybe next time there will be some amateurs there to test my skills against. I will not quit, nor will Matthew.

I would like to thank Billy, Carolyn, Granny and Dad for coming to watch. It was hot and dusty, but I never heard a complaint. It was great to have all of you there for us. Hope everyone had fun. Angie said she yelled for Matthew, but not for me because she didn't want to embarrass me. I was a little behind. She was very supportive, all that matters to her is that I tried. I didn't tell her, but I almost didn't go out for the feature. I don't like not being 20 anymore, and I hate to get my butt kicked. It was a good thing that I did though, they still ranked and scored me in the amateur division, so I won my feature just by finishing the race. So I got a trophy and a sticker too. COOL!!

In other news, Bill and I did bet the Gatti vs. Mayweather fight. He took Mayweather away from me, so I had Gatti. Don't know who won yet, but I am on the computer and I will check. Hold on. Ok, I'm, back, did you miss me? Looks like Gatti quit after 6 rounds, so I lost again. Remember I wanted Mayweather, but I took Gatti so we would have a bet. Oh well, its all even now 2-2. I believe the next good one is in the middle of July.

Well, it's noon, and it's 96 degrees, so I think I will go get in the pool. Have a great day.



At 4:49 PM, June 26, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

It was great to see the pics of Granny, Billy, Carolyn, and your dad. Granny looks like she is doing well. The races looked like fun. Love Beth

At 4:24 PM, June 27, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

yeah!! I am glad to hear that the races went well! I am so happy for you guys. I wish we could have seen them. Maybe one of these times. Just keep on keeping on! You both will do great at this sport!

Loved all the pictures that Angie sent today.


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