Thursday, June 30, 2005

Over / Under

OK guys, Sunday after next is our 12th anniversary. Yep, July 10th will be 12 years of wedded bliss. We have come a long way. I can't imagine what life would be like now without all the struggles and hardships. More so, I can't imagine me without Angie, Natalie, Matthew, and Brayden. I don't know how it could get much better than what I wake up to, then leave, then come home to again, everyday. I absolutely hate the days, even though few, that I don't get to come home at all, because of work. I know that most of you thought that this would never last a year, but I am here to tell you that we will be together forever. I'm sure that there were a few bets at the reception that we would not even make it past our short trip to San Antonio for our honeymoon. WRONG!!! We do argue, tell me that you don't. We do disagree about money issues, again, tell me that you don't. We both have strong feelings about how our kids should be raised, and, surprise, they are the same. We love each other unconditionally. We both disagree with some of the things that the other does, but who doesn't. It's what makes us who we are, very different people, who love each other inspite of, and sometimes because of, our faults.

I absolutely love the way that Angie sometimes says a word three times. Like, Matthew was runnin, runnin, runnin. She calls my underwear panties, what the F is up with that? She still has an accent, even though she doesn't believe it. I like how she calls an armpit an underpit, and a washrag a facecloth. She wears herself out to stay in shape, with going to the gym, or tae-kwon-do, or whatever, even though she never sees the improvement that she makes to herself. There is absolutely no "quit" in her, anywhere. She bitches about her car being dirty, even thought we live 6 miles down a caliche road. She is completely devoted to her family, whether it is us 5 or her family or my family. You don't know how many times she has bought gifts, cards, and other things for everyone in my family that I completely forgot about. You probably would not like me very much if it was left up to me. She reminds me to make calls on birthdays and anniversaries. Not ours though, even though I could use the help sometimes. She buys me Survivor on DVD, god I love that. Our house is never dirty, but you can't convince her of that. She likes to mow with a push mower even though we have a riding lawnmower. She is in bed every night at 10 to watch Friends, even though she can recite any of the episodes from memory. I accidentally bought her a Friends trivia game for some reason, please don't play with her, it is no fun AT ALL. She will dominate you!! Not only will she answer her questions, she will answer yours before you have a chance, or just start laughing at you. Right Billy and Tina? She actually "works" from home. Who else does this? She acts like she is actually in the office and her boss is watching, unreal. She drives toooooooooooooo slow down our road, and gripes at me when I don't. She can't spell worth a damn, but doesn't know it. These are just a few of the reasons that every year she is my anniversary gift to me. What more could I ask for? Someone to love, someone to fight with, someone to talk to, someone to support or be supported by, someone to truly live my life with. That is all anyone needs to be happy, and I have it. Lucky me.

See ya then,


P.S. no I am not in trouble, just my true feelings.


At 8:06 AM, June 30, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

That was so funny and sweet! Congrats on 12 years -- it seems longer than that! I guess I wasn't as young as I thought I was!
Love Beth

At 9:11 AM, June 30, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

What a heartwarming post! Happy May the next 12 years be just as great as the past 12. You guys make a great pair, compliment each other nicely! Anniversary guys!

At 10:49 AM, June 30, 2005, Blogger Angie said...

Thank you! Thank you for putting up with me for 12 years. Thanks for showing a public display of verbal affection. So many people only know one side of Jim, only people who truely know and love Jim get to see this side of him. He's a very loving person, husband, friend, and most of all Daddy! Anyone who's taken the time to know him...really know has a friend for LIFE. He does anything he can at anytime he's needed for those he cares/loves.

Love you Jim! Angie (aka Momma)


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