Sunday, July 17, 2005


I kept the children this morning to give Angie a little break. She would never admit it or complain, but I could tell she needed one. No, I am not bragging, just reporting, so no "hooray Jim, you are such a great husband" or any other crap. This gets funny. She has had some pain in her right shoulder, so when I told her that I was giving her the morning, and part of the afternoon off, she scheduled a massage. This was recomended by someone, but I don't know who, for the benefit of her shoulder. I bet she wishes she could get her hands on them now. She said she spent most of the massage either crying or drooling (now that's funny), because of the pain. The woman worked her over good. Angie said that this woman had the strongest thumbs imaginable. She was in sheer, utter pain the whole time. Maybe next time she can just lay down and I can kick her in the head, and she can go back to bed or something. Maybe just lay by the pool, hell, even mowing sounds better to me. I have never had a massage, and now I'm pretty sure I never will. I don't mind the chiropractor, but she makes this massage thing sound horrible. I think I might just go outside and dig postholes in our rock if faced with a massage, unless it is given to me by Natalie. Now that girl is good, she hasn't hurt me yet. I'm sure there will come a time when she wants to, but come on, she's tiny. Angie said this lady never let up the whole time, until the end when she massaged her face. If someone was hurting me to the point of drooling (Jesus that's funny}, then reached for my face, I just might hit them to keep them away. Angie is pretty sure the woman's name was Helga, or some other former member of the Soviet National Womens Torture team. I'm sorry, but this is funny to me. I'm always away from the children when I am at work, and she finally has a chance to get away and do something fun, and this is what she comes up with? "Ok, I'm gonna go get mangled now." Talk about a twisted sense of humor. This actually sounds like something that I came up with to convince her to never leave the house. Just babysit and let me do what I want. I may be that smart, but I am not that cruel. So beware, if you get some time off, don't go get a massage. Sounds like it could be hazzardous to your health.




At 5:49 PM, July 17, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

Gee! That's funny. Debbie said the same thing.


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