Friday, July 15, 2005

Thursday 7-14

Fairly uneventful day today. I made some good sales at work, but, really, who is interested in that. You come for news on the kids or the family. I am the same. Brayden has slept very well the last two nights, and seems to be on his way to another fitful nights' sleep now. He didn't take fruits and vegetables very well, so we started feeding him his fruits or vegies at noon, and oatmeal at night, and it worked. Yeah Dr. August. We were feeing him fruits or vegetables at night and it was not setting well. So, off to bed I go. Long day tommorrow, I gave George the day off. First in nine months for him that wasn't related to child birth or his wife having kidney stones removed. Long overdue, but he never asked.

See ya then,



At 10:31 AM, July 15, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

Glad Brayden is back on track with the eating and sleeping,

George sounds like a keeper

At 10:31 AM, July 15, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

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At 4:47 PM, July 15, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

well, I have to say you are mistaken on one thing in your post today... I DO come here to see how YOU are doing as well! Of course I always want to know about the kids and Angie, but YOU matter also!


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