Friday, July 22, 2005

Family Reunions

Anybody else have family reunions? I know that Angie's family does not. I hear of others now and then, but I seem to be the only person that has family reunions with both sides of my family every year. We aren't always able to go, and sometimes don't want to, but once there, they are ususally fun. Saturday is the Davidson family reunion, in Abilene. I have to admit that I don't really know many people there. They all seem to know me, but I am one of the young ones and they have all heard the stories that Mom or Granny and Pop tell them. Of course, I will be in that enviable position one day, and look foreward to it. But for now, I usually spend my time talking to my uncles, Ricky and Larry, my brother Bobby, or my cousins Tanner, Courtney, Jeff and Kyle, and their families. Mom, Granny and Pop also, but they know everybody there, and spend their time with many more people than I do. I don't really mind going, but it is always so hot, hell miserable to be honest. You can't take the kids to the zoo, because the only ones to get anything out of that are the animals. Gives them something to watch on a hot day from their shaded sanctuaries, and probably laugh at. I can just hear the giraffe asking the lion, "If we were free, do you think we would go to where they keep the humans and look at them?" "No, they must be sick." But, we will be there, sometime Saturday. I do look foreward to the races Saturday night at the Abilene Speedway, when I get to go help my father-in-law, Bill. We will sell fuel, and I will get to watch him race. I used to go on a weekly basis with him and my brother-in-law Billy.

Now, next Sunday, in Archer City is the Berryman reunion. I seem to know even fewer people when I am there. Dad and Granny are always there. My uncle C.W. too, who I like. Carolyn and Billy will surely be there also, and of course, I love them. But no cousins, as Bill and Stephanie have not been in ages. I really doubt if Bobby and his family will be there either, this year. More on that one later next week.

So, these are no more than a chance for people to see me and my family for the most part. I only talk to people when introduced, and rarely any time other than that. I stick to the same people that I talk to at Christmas or any other close family gathering. What exactly is the point? For the most part, except for the older folks there, people stick to the people that they know. Couldn't we do that anywhere, anytime? I guess I just don't understant the concept of a "complete" family reunion. We are not in contact during the rest of the year, and really there is not much contact with those we don't know at the reunions.

Maybe I will figure it all out after these two, but I doubt it. I do look foreward to seeing Granny and Pop, for they have not seen Brayden yet. Actually nobody besides Mom has on that side of the family. So they will get to see him, and that is good.

Maybe I don't give these functions the respect that they deserve. Let me know if you think I am being crappy about it. Honestly, it's the way I feel. I don't write on here to stroke anyone's ego, I just call it like I see it. Hell, maybe everyone felt this way about these at my age, or maybe families were closer when I was young. Who knows?

See ya then,



At 9:25 PM, July 22, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

I thought that Granny saw Brayden at the races??? Sorry that we will not be there because we didn't know about it until I read the blog -- I guess we are part of the outcast!! hahaha It may be a good thing or may be not. But the family reunions haven't been the same since Grandma Berryman was alive and we locked Coy up in the jail not that was fun!!! Remember that I thought you might need a funny reminder of that!!! Love ya lots and you all be careful on the road. Love Beth

At 9:27 PM, July 22, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

OOOPs I meant that when we locked up Coy in the jail it was funny!! Small typo

At 2:20 AM, July 24, 2005, Blogger Jim said...

My grandmother on my Mom's side, Beth. Yes, Granny Berryman has seen Brayden a few times. She came and stayed with us for a while after he was born.



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