Monday, July 18, 2005

An old school restaurant and cleaning the pool

We went out to dinner last night and found an old school restaurant. It is called El Fenix in Grapevine, not the same as El Fenix in Abilene. Although, El Fenix in Abilene is very good, if you order the right thing.

Anybody been to a restaurant lately? Thought so. When was the last time that the waitress brought everyone at the table a glass of water before asking what you wanted to drink? This used to be a common practice, even at places like Pizza Hut in Sweetwater. I don't know when they all decided to stop, but it was a shock when our waitress set down 4 glasses of water and then asked us what we wanted to drink. Natalie and Matthew had the best looks of confusion of their faces. Natalie said "Daddy, I didn't order this." Wow, what a blast from the past. I don't know if anyone else has noticed it, but now it seems to me that when you go out to eat, you don't get anything to drink until after you tell them what you want. I know that when I was young, never did you not get a glass of water before you ordered, now, you have to wait on those damn slow people to ask you what you want to drink, then take forever bringing it out. It was a nice change of pace, especially in the heart of the Metroplex where they always seem to be on the cutting edge with your culinary experience. Maybe newer isn't always better. We will be going back to this establishment when we are in the area and want Mexican food in the future. Oh yeah, the food was good too.

Now then, cleaning the pool was a different matter. When we had the old pool, I don't remember cleaning it. Maybe that was why it was green so often. The process of cleaning the pool, specifically vacuuming it, takes a while. It is not unpleasant, but time consuming. You have to stop and backflush the filter about 6 times to do ours. It seems to lose its prime every so often. Maybe it was just that dirty. It has been very dry here lately, and the dirt has been blowing quite a bit. Maybe if we can keep the dirt watered in an attempt to grow grass it will not be so bad. When they put the pool in, they killed all the grass around it, so there is nothing but dirt. I know it seems that I am bitching about having a pool, but I am not, just about cleaning it. I know it will get easier as the grass comes back, but for now it will probably be dirty again tommorrow. I won't vacuum it again tommorrow, but it will probably be dirty again. Oh well, I guess that is the price you pay. Maybe I can teach the kids to vacuum the pool. Yeah, that's gonna happen. We would have an empty pool after they were through. So, I will do the maintenance to it so everyone can enjoy it. Again, everyone is invited to come swim, or float, whenever you want. Don't be shy, it's here why shouldn't you be, it is summer ya know.

All for now, see ya then,



At 9:36 AM, July 18, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

Restaurant sounds good. And the pool will always be one of those stick a pin in my eye jobs. But the kids do enjoy it. Angie always did.

At 12:56 PM, July 18, 2005, Blogger Kay said...

Pool maintenance can be a pain. Go to and look at the automatic vacuumers. It will make the job a breeze and then everyone can enjoy the pool without all the work. The restaurant sends ya back, doesn't it?


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