Thursday, July 28, 2005

Opportunity yes or no?

I know this will be vague, but it is meant to be that way.


If you had one shot,

One opportunity,

to sieze everything you ever wanted,

in one moment,

would you capture it,

or just let it slip?

The ball's in my court

Am I afraid to dribble it out?

Why am I afraid?

Why am I a slave to this trade?

I just gotta beat this clock,

FUCK this clock, I'm gonna make 'em eat this watch.

Don't believe me? Watch.

I'm gonna win this race,

then I'm gonna come back and rub it in their face.

Till they're sick of it,

They aren't gonna have a choice.

I'm gonna scream 'till I have half a lung,

If I have half a chance I'll grab it.

Gotta run.


P.S. sorry for the cuss word, but I'm fed up with shit today.


Also, this will all make sense soon, I promise.


At 11:54 AM, July 28, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

I have had these days as well! HOpe that today is a better day for you!


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