Sunday, July 31, 2005

Berryman Reunion

Well, it's tommorrow, or today actually. I hope it is fun. I doubt it will be, but I'm willing to try one more of these before I start my own. When I do, it won't be family specific. I will invite all the people that I am related to that are close to my age. Bobby, of course, Steph and Bill (Billy nowadays), Carrie and Beth, Kyle and Whitney Randolph, Clay Berryman, Tanner, Courtney, Jeff, Kyle, Reagan Sheaffer (not actually family, but my little sister none the less), any of Angie's brothers or sisters (Debbie, Cheryl, Karen, Billy) that want to come, and their famiies. I'm sure moms and dads will be welcome, grandparents as well. I know that I have forgotten someone important, but names escape me at the moment.

I don't know about the reunion tommorrow, but at the Davidson reunion, there were no children. Ours hated that, and I won't go to another without knowing that there will be children there for them to play with. Also, why not have it someplace fun? A hotel conference room sucks. Hell, they suck for business meetings. Maybe we can have ours here. We have plent of room. We have children, we have ponds, a pool, soon will have a shop, a nice house. I think we could fit everyone. We can't put everyone up for the night, but who can? I'll cook hamburgers, or steaks, or whatever. Maybe the RSVP could be a twenty dollar bill with your name on it to buy food. It doesn't have to be much, just a chance to get together and enjoy the time you spend with family, instead of regretting the fact that you are there.

I know that it sucks to travel with a young family, but it has to be held somewhere. I'm taking the lead on this, so at least the first one can be here, and if everyone is happy with that, I'm not against all of them being here. If they are elsewhere we will go to them also. We just need a place where the kids are not up our butts all day long, and we can actually visit. Gotta be a two day event, maybe Friday night, for those who can make it, then all day Saturday, maybe till noon on Sunday, depending on travel. We'll see, it's still a long way off, maybe next summer, before,or after,it gets too hot to think straight when you are outside.

For now I guess we are stuck with going to family reunions where we don't konw most of the people there. I know that is what they are for, but who really makes friends for more than a day at one of these in their current format? They are truly a waste of time. I will be glad to see Granny, Billy and Carolyn. Other than that, I don't know who will be there, so it's a crap shoot. Come on seven!!!!!!!!!!!!

Till then



At 9:20 AM, July 31, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

Sounds like a great idea and a lot of fun -- we will come for sure!!! Love ya Beth


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