Thursday, July 28, 2005


That last post doesn't make all that much sense to me now that I am fully awake. I have to thank Eminem for the inspiration. Yeah, I'm a closet Eminem, 50 cent, and Game fan. So what? I like the attitude!!! Am I too old, or too white to listen to rap? Nah!! I could actually be the oldest rap convert on record. Wouldn't that be funny!! Normally, I'm so white that I appear translucent, not in skin tone, but in attitude.

Angie made me delete this part!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!! OK, it was probably a wise decision. I am a little to ambitious at times and like to jump the gun. I guess it will wait. It was two very well written paragraphs though. Oh well.

Well, I gotta go to Hell and buy formula and diapers now,

See ya then,



At 6:10 PM, July 29, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

Wal-mart is hell!!!


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