Friday, July 29, 2005

Nat Nat is home!!!!!!!!!!!

Natalie came home today!! Bill and Barbara delivered her to the house this afternoon. It was very good to see that infectious smile of hers. She is a bright moment in anyone's day that has the chance to see her. I missed her, but I remember the times that I spent with my grandparents when I was young, and I couldn't deny my children the same chance. I just wish that my Mom and Dad had the time away from work that Bill and Barbara have to spend with them, and I'm sure they do too. Anybody remember the days when both parents, or grandparents, didn't have to work? My visits with my grandparents were wonderful, and I'm sure they are wonderful for her too. Matthew will be going in a week or two to get his fill before school starts.

The real plus side of her coming home, other than fact that we love our children being here, is that she helps Angie a bunch with Brayden. Matthew was a great help while she was gone, but Natalie has a few years on him, and with that comes a greater sense of responsibility. Unless a Jellyfish, or jellybelly according to Matt, is stinging you, of course! Then, it's ok to drop him on his face in about three inches of sea water. She still bristles when we bring that up, but it is funny. All in all, it is an odd time when one of the kids are away, but I know it is good for them. The dynamic changes so much at home. It's quieter, there are no fights, the laughter from other rooms is gone when they actually are getting along, there is an empty spot at the dinner table, we only get one opinion and nobody to dispute it, what's the fun in that. I'll take a good fight, or raucus laughter anyday over peace and quiet. It just means that we are all together and OK. It's normal. But, I know how much fun it is to get away from your parents for a while as a kid. Your rules change completely. Nothing is as strict, it's just more fun, and every kid should experience it.

You could see the change in Natalie, she was relaxed. Her manners returned, not that they ever left, they were probably just supressed. Nat and Matt compete constantly, and sometimes you forget to say "Yes mam, or Yes sir" when you are just trying to answer first. Hopefully, Matthew will have the same benefit when he visits. He is getting moody. He is very bull-headed. He has a very Berryman, I mean strong, personality. He gets his feelings hurt easily, and doesn't forgive that very quickly. I have worked with him some, but I haven't seen a lot of change. I can easily see him in trouble in school this year if he acts the same there as he does here. It will be interesting to see what happens. Everybody knows he is a talker, Jesus, is he a talker. We play video games together quite a bit in the evenings, and I can't concentrate because of all the talking. It's frustrating, because I like to win, and he usually beats me because of all the chatter. Maybe it's a strategy, I don't know. If it is, it's a good one, but it won't work in school, and that is what we need to work on. He, and his sister, are extremely bright, but she has an excuse if she talks a little bit much, but he doesn't, not that we know of anyway. It's like it's his hobby. I guess we will just wait and see.

Ricky and Cindy bought Matthew a new bow last weekend. He loves it. He can hardly pull it back, but after I sighted it in, he hit the bullseye on the fifth shot from ten yards. He seems to be a natural. He has great form, he is steady, and he concentrates on his target. I see good things from this hobby, especially since it is one that I love also. We will continue to work on this and maybe show it off to everyone soon. He just needs the consistency that comes with practice. I can guarantee the practice time, so he should be proficient very soon.

That's about it for now,

See ya then,


P.S. Tanner, if your mom and dad don't read this on a regular basis, or at all, tell them thank you from me and Matthew.


At 8:25 AM, July 29, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

Glad to hear that Nat is back home I know what you mean about the memories we spent without grandparents as children. Those are some of the times that I wouldn't give up for anything in the world! Our children DO need that time with the grandparents also. Kelsey will be going to spend some time with my Dad and Step Mom in a couple of weeks and she is thrilled beyond words. It gives them some great bonding time that they need/deserve.

Mat is indeed a talker, but would we really change that? That is what makes Mat, Mat!

Hope you guys have w wonderful weekend, Good to see a good long post from you again!

At 6:15 PM, July 29, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

I remember those days!!! Especially on the farm with Paw Paw and Granny. With You, Bobby, and Carrie sneaking home brew --that was some nasty stuff!!! OH to be young again and have no worries


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