Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Wow what a foggy day............

Ok, the day was actually clear as far as the weather was concerned, but I wondered around in a fog all day long. I don't know what was wrong, it started out OK, but went to hell about 10:30 a.m. I picked up George around 8 am, went to readjust a pump that we just set, north of Decatur, then back to get a tire fixed that went flat on Friday. Afterward, we went to check inventory at the shop and George left. I didn't want to do anything. I had end of the month paperwork to do at the office, but I was successful in getting so bored that I fell alseep. I hate paperwork, but it has to be done to run a business. The room was the right temp, the nice buzz of the air conditioner, boring as hell paperwork, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Only about 15 minutes, though I wish it could have been longer, because after that I was in the heat alllllll day long. Man it was hot and still. Very glad when the day was over. Home to the wife, the kids and the pool, how refreshing is that?

All in all, I don't remember much about today. I felt confused, lost and not in controll. I hate that. It happens every so often, and I hate it every time. I guess I was just uninspired. Maybe a lack of my usuall go-go attitude at work. Whatever it was, I didn't like it. I am usually upbeat at work, I have to keep my, and George's, attitude up, but after he left the shop, I didn't even call him. I'm sure he didn't mind, probably a relief for him. Hopefully tommorrow will be a better day, I'm sure it will be, hell, my boss is in town, how bad can it be? HA!!

Well, sorry to dissapoint with a short one today, but i need to go to bed earlier that usual. I spent over an hour on the phone tonight with my buddy David Brewer, and his wife some too, so I didn't really think too much about what I would write. I usually use the time after my family goes to bed to think of things to tell you about, but today it just didn't happen. So, off I go.

See ya then,



At 7:45 PM, August 02, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

I think we all get a case of the I don't want to's!!! I do sometimes about mid-day and think good grief I don't want to fill this medication tell them to go somewhere else hahaha! Love ya


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