Thursday, August 04, 2005

I gotta call bullshit on this!!!!!!!!!

Ok, I'm tired, today has been a little much. This will probably get rough before I'm done, so be prepared to change the chanel if you need to. Fair warning? Good, here we go. What the fuck is the matter with the justice system in this country? Our investigator, Chase Nolan, spent four months trying to catch the guy who robbed our house. He finally did at the end of July, now the stupid bitch, I'm sorry lady District Attourney has released him with 5 years probation. This is all before we even returned any of the paperwork that the stupid bitch's office sent us on the case. She just let him walk with probation. When Angie called, I thought it was a joke, not a funny one, but an Angie joke, you know "let's see if I can piss Jim off today". Man did it work!! I called Chase Nolan and asked him if indeed Gregory Gilbert Glover had been released, and he said no, I still show him to be in jail. "Why, what did you hear?" I said, the District Attourney called Angie and told her that he had been released with 5 years probation. Chase said he would check and call me back. When he called back, he said, "Jim, I don't know what to say, she did release him with probation on a plea bargain, so it goes down as a conviction for her." WHAT DID HE JUST SAY??????????? YEAH, SHE GETS A CONVICTION OUT OF THAT SHIT!!! This is a guy that was facing 4 felony counts in our county alone, and 12 overall, and the case was an easy win, they had a confession, but I guess if she gets a conviction for what she did today, that is even easier, FOR HER!! What a lazy assed bitch.

So, since her position is that of an elected official, my new goal is to have Jana Jones not get re-elected the next time she is up. She only won by 147 votes last election. I know the guy that ran against her, Michael Carrillo, he is a nice guy, and George's wife's uncle, to boot. ANGIE actually voted for her. This wasn't her fault, but she just checked Republican, because she didn't know any of the people on the ballot. I wonder if she will do that again? I doubt it, but I didn't even vote, so what can I say about Angie? Anyway, this sucks. I don't know what to do, and that is rare. Everything I can think of will land me in jail, and I guarantee they will not release me with probation, because I'm not an unemployed, single, thieving, dopeheaded piece of shit. Doesn't this send the wrong message to criminals? "Hell, come to Wise county, you can do anything you want and just get probation." What a great system we have in place when the people that get robbed, or have other things done to them, have no say what-so-ever in what happens in the case. And to top it all off, The Bitch was rude to Angie on the phone when she explained it to her. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! I hate being this mad and not knowing what to do.

The guy confessed, can I sue him in a civil court? Shouldn't I just be allowed to go beat his ass instead of recieving restitution? I'm sure Angie would be in favor of that.

Confused, Pissed, Sad, Hurt, Starting to get emotional,



At 8:58 AM, August 05, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

As I said to Angie on her blog. This is horrible!! I can't even start to understand what you guys are going threw with all of this. You have every right to be confused, pissed,sad and hurt over this. It just isn't right! I wish there were something I could do to make it better.

Love ya!

At 6:30 PM, August 05, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

First of All -- Angie has a blog??? And Secondly -- they can come to Caddo Parish and get the same treatment -- it is absolutely ridiculous!!!!! Sorry to hear it though. Love ya


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