Thursday, August 04, 2005


Well after about a 2 year run, my brother Bobby is moving away from me, to Midland. We haven't done a lot together lately, and I hope that is not the reason he is moving, but we have done a lot together overall. Our families have gone out to eat many times, and it is always fun, not to mention loud. Bobby and I have coached soccer together for Bailey's team. That was a blast, I always knew that saturday morning I would see my little brother, and his family. I learned a lot about a sport that I didn't know much about. We used to have Sunday dinner at our house or their's. Those times were a blast. There is nothing like having family close to you, and I hope my dad and Chanda's dad, Danny, take advantage of them being in Midland. I'm sure mom would love for them to be in Sweetwater. I can't imagine when I am a grandparent how overjoyed I would be to have Nat, Matt, of Brayden close to me so I could be involved in their childrens lives. So, dad and Danny have a great opportunity to spend time with their grandchildren, and I'm sure they will. How happy must they be? Bailey, Chloe, and Delaynee are awesome. I wish things could have worked out for them to stay here, but they did not. Tommorrow, I'm sure that the stars will be a little less bright, because Bobby will be gone. I have enjoyed being close to my brother. We were always a phone call away from each other if we needed anything, and that is invaluable. There is nothing like the relationship I have with Bobby. We can obviously stand on our own two feet, but as a team we are unstoppable. I can't say that we always saw things the same way, but we were always there for each other reguardless. I will miss him and his family.

In other news, Oh yeah, Brayden is sitting up on his own. This is fun, he still has the round bottom syndrome, so he goes in all directions, but he is sitting up. I think that our kids have always been behind other kids at first because they are so big. I'm sure that their size works against them, it just takes more muscles to do things. I know that there is not a set timetable for early childhood development, and honestly I don't worry about it at all. They do things when they do things. Sitting up, crawling, cutting teeth, walking, and talking are all impressive whenever they do them. We were no less impressed with Matthew walking at 18 months than we were with Natalie walking at 11 months. They have all the time that they need and I'm sure they know we will be here when they accomplish anything, so what's the rush? Isn't half the fun getting there? I think so. Maybe more than half, before it becomes old hat and they just want to play nintendo or playstation ALL THE TIME!

Saturday morning, I will be taking the kids to Bill and Barbara's, maybe meeting them in Sweetwater, then on to Midland to deliver Bobby's work truck. I will arrive just in time to board a flight from Midland to Dallas Love Field so Angie and Brayden aren't here by themselves for the night. I thought the last flight was at 6:45, but it is at 2 something on Saturday, so I will be on it. I love to fly, and I will get to sleep in my own bed. Can't beat that, can you? Yes, I will be on the lookout for ARABS, don't worry. I bet I even get searched because I am on a one-way ticket. I did last time. I flew from Dallas to Midland, and was late getting there, and got searched. What a drag, I damn near missed the plane. How mad would my boss have been about that? We will see, I guess. I'll let you know.

See ya tommorrow,



At 7:59 AM, August 04, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

Ok Ok -- I am wiping my tears! You can be soo sweet. I never saw that side of you when I was a kid -- you were always mean Jimmy hahaha just kidding I love ya and I know you will miss Bobby and the kids. They move way to much. Just a few more weeks and we will get to see each other again. I can't wait


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