Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The weight is over

Well, the money competition part of it is over anyway. Anyone else who is interested can keep going, we will be weighing on Fridays from now on, I plan on going until at least the end of June, so you are welcome if you want to keep going. #8 and myself have a goal weight of 195, so if we are not there by then end of June, we will continue on past that. So keep it up if you want to, also, if any new people want in, you are welcome too, or anyone who might have dropped out, anybody is welcome.

here they are

.......Start week total
.......weight weight lbslost week % lbs lost total %


The money ended like this


Overall, I thought this was a success, and I am very proud of everyone. Together we lost 236.5 pounds in 12 weeks, not to shabby.

P.S. don't forget, I have posted two other things below about Natalie's Softball games.


Game of the Year

Well, as I said in the last post, Tuesday night we played what I think will be our biggest game of the year. Whadda ya want, recap style or play by play, hell let's go the long route. Here comes the play by play version.

First inning: We were the visitors, so we batted first, never the chosen position to be in when you are in a big game, so we needed to get out to a fast start. Remember the other team is very good and has a great pitcher.

Visitors half:

First batter was our beloved Natalie. She had some good cuts at the ball, but got in a hole 1 ball and 2 strikes, but managed to get a walk. Natalie proceded to steal second then third base while their pitcher struck out batter number 2, Haley. Ok, one out, runner on third, Bailey comes up to the plate and gets a walk. Steals second, so one out, runners on second and third. Their pitcher procedes to strike out our next two batters, Laura and Alexis. WHAT?! Damn, what a disaster. This is a very bad feeling, I can assure you.

Home half of the First Inning:

Jessica was our pitcher for this game, if not our best pitcher, she is the guttiest. Huge heart. OK, Jess walks the first two batters, then gives up a triple to their third batter, scoring two runs. OUCH! Nobody out, runner on third, two in. Jessica gave up a single to the next batter, but fielded the ball and held the runner on third, no throw to first. Then, she struck out the next batter, then the next. So, Two outs, Two on, and Two in, but she busted her finger open, index on her pitching hand, so she had to come out. In steps Haley, fresh off of striking out herself in the first inning, and walks the first batter she faces. Now we have bases loaded, two outs, trailing by 2 runs. Haley strikes out the next batter and gets us out of the inning, YEAH!!!

On to the Visitors half of the Second inning.

Up steps Jaclyn, our hero pitcher from the last game, she walks. Then Madison, she also walks. Jaclyn stole second and third during Madison's at bat, then Madison stole second as Brianna, the other coaches kid, took ball one. Next pitch, Brianna jacked one into the outfield and ran all the way around the bases for a homerun. Hey hey, wadda ya know, we're leading 3-2, nobody out, nobody on. Gabby steps up and gets us a single, Then Kendall takes a walk, followed by Letty taking a walk also. So, bases loaded, nobody out, 3-2 lead. Jessica, with a bandaged finger, steps to the plate and hits a popup that no one caught this time and all the runners advance one base scoring one more run. 4-2, nobody out. Next up, Nat Nat. She had a one pitch at bat producing an RBI single, 5-2 nobody out. Then Haley, still fuming about her earlier strike out, and it was a bad call by the ump, RBI single!!! Damn, now we have a 6-2 lead, but we have to come in because of the six runs per half inning rule, or we might still be there. This was, by the way, still off of their best pitcher, and she is really good.

Home half of the Second Inning:

Not only did Jessica bat with a bandaid on her throwing hand, she came back out and pitched. Not only did she pitch, but she struck out the first batter, caught a pop up from the second, and struck out the third batter, for an incredible 1-2-3 inning. That's just the medicine we were needing. So, after two innings, we were still up 6-2.

Visitors half of the third inning:

These games go fast when both sides know how to play, and these two did. Last year we never even reached the third inning once. We still had 25 minutes of time left. Bailey came up and walked, then Laura got a hit on her first pitch, sending Bailey, who was stealing, on to third. Then Alexis grounded out to the first baseman, but Bailey scored, and Laura moved over to third. 7-2, one out, runner on third. Up steps Jaclyn, and she strikes out? HUH? Not in the plan. Madison came out of the game with a sprained ankle, so here comes Homerun Bri, Brianna, and she also struck out. In the middle of the third inning, we led 7-2 on the strength of Alexis's RBI ground out.

Home half of the third:

Jessica walked the first batter, then struck out the second. One on, one out. Then a walk to put two runners on, a steal to make it second and third. Then a deep ground ball, that Jessica fielded, giviing her no shot at the runner going from third to home, but she threw out the girl going to first, with Gabby making a great barehanded catch. One on, two outs, and one in, 7-3. Jessica then struck out the next batter to end the inning.

Visitors half of the fourth inning:

Gabrielle had a nice single, then stole second and third. Kendall singled her in, stole second and third, then Letty walked and stole second. Up steps Jessica, 8-3, on outs, runners on second and third. She singled in both girls and proceded to steal second and third. Natalie walked and stole second. Haley hit a ball hard, Jessica and Natalie scored, Haley, still running, was at third, almost, when the pitcher tried to throw Natalie out at the plate and the catcher missed the ball, so Haley kept running. The catcher recovered the ball and tagged Haley out at the plate.
So, 12-3, nobody on, one out. Bailey walked and then Laura ground out to first, and Alexis struck out, ending our half of the inning again, but with a 12-3 lead.

Time had expired during our at bat, meaning we could not start a new inning, but the home team could bat, but we are only allowed 6 runs per half inning, and they were down 9. BALLGAME!!!!! We won, I am astounded. We played very well, the hitting is very impressive, and defense is alarming, almost heart attack worthy at times, but we beat what will probably be the best team we face the rest of the year, until the tournament in May. So, I am very proud.

Come see one if you can, yes, I know they are all mid week, but it would be worth it, I promise.

See ya then,


P.S. I am only waiting on one weight, and will post as soon as I get it.


Monday, April 03, 2006

Softball and 4-Wheelers

Hey, how ya doin'? Been a while, huh?

O.K., so softball and 4-wheelers, two of my favorite activities with my kids, and will be for a while to come, especially if Brayden gets into them. I could be going to the dunes with him until I'm in my mid fifties, and that's just 'til he graduates. Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On with the show, though. We have started our official softball season and played our first two games. We are 2-0 so far. We started by playing Alvord's finest in the 10 and under division. They played hard, but we beat them 16-5, and it would have been 16-1 if I hadn't put all of my younger girls in the infield in the last inning, I just felt bad for them. My pitcher, I have 3 good ones, but in this game it was Haley, was out of sight. Haley is our tallest girl, and she has developed a meanstreak and I love it. Last year she was so quite that you really didn't know she was there, now she is very competitive. She actually argued the one run that Alvord scored in the 3rd inning, because she just doesn't want to give up any runs. She struck out 9 of the 12 batters she faced in 4 innings, and she has a nasty little smile (smirk) on her face when she is in her windup. We have faced pitchers like her in the past, and the girls were intimidated. So, after what we went through in our Denton tournament last year, I think this year we could have a chance to at least win a game, maybe two. Before the game, I told all of the girls that they needed to swing the bat more, they do really good in practice, but in our scrimages they just stood there for the most part. All of them can hit, they just have to be willing to hit, and hit they did. We probably had more hits in this game that we did most of last year. I was very impressed and game everyone on the team a game ball.

In our second game, we played one of the hated Bridgeport teams, in Bridgeport. These games are pretty impressive from a fan turnout point of view. This game was on Friday, but on Monday, I worked the concession stand for a 12 and under game between Bridgeport and Decatur. I thought the football tesms were playing, it was intense, so I was kind of worried about our game in Bridgeport on Friday. I don't understand the Bridgeport-Decatur rivalry, because I'm not from here, but it is very intense, I actually thought I might get to see a Mommy fight at the 12 and under game.

So, off to Bridgeport we go. Again, we hit the ball very well, anyone who saw a game last year knows that there are a lot of walks in our league, because it is the first year of kid-pitch. Not now, we got a bunch of girls back, and if you put a ball over the plate, there is a good chance it will get hit. We scored our 6 runs in the visitor half of the first inning, then on defense, we struggled. Pitcher #2 did not have a good inning at all, she recorded no outs and walked in most of their 6 runs. So when we came up to bat again, the Bridgeport coaches were yelling at their players, especially their pitcher. Saying things like, "You gotta do better than that" , "Oh my god, you're not even close" , "What were you thinking!?" and on and on and on. So I pulled Jaclyn over to the side and said, "Do you hear how their coaches are treating the other girls?" She said "Yeah" And I said, "I really like beating people like that, but I will need your help a little." to which Jac-Jac replied, "Me too, I'll help you a LOT" Cool, now back to the game. We had knocked in two runs in the inning, with only 3 batters, then walked the bases loaded. Jessica was at the plate when she hit a pop up that was caught by their pitcher. The place went wild, and my girls could not hear me screaming at the top of my lungs to "Go BACK." Now the girl on third heard my assistant coach, but the runners on first and second did not. Gabrielle, on third, tagged up and scored, but Kendall on second and Letty on first did not and were finally tagged out, but not before Gabby crossed the plate. So we ended up scoring 3 runs in the inning, for a 9-6 lead. Also, time had expired, so we would not be batting again. As it stood, a fluke triple play, taking about 45 seconds to complete could lose us the game.

But, out went Jaclyn with another assurance to her coach "Don't worry, I got it." I wish I could have taken her word for it, but after her first inning, I did have my doubts, I love the girl, but I just had a bad feeling. So she proceded to strike out the first girl she faced, whew, no problem, right? Then a walk and a hit later, she struck out another. So two outs, runners on second and third, she gave up a hit to score 2, to make it 9-8. Then she walked two, so bases loaded, two outs, tying run on third, SHE STRUCK OUT THE NEXT GIRL. You're damned right she did, on three pitches, no less. As she walked over to me on the sideline, all smiles, she says "Told ya, I got it." To which I replied, "You sure do, Jac-Jac, you sure do." I am unsure if the other team knows they lost, in the melee of the triple play, I don't think they scored the run that Gabby scored, but I'll deal with that if it comes up. Basically our word against theirs, someone else can decide if it matters.

The reason that I am pushing the girls to do so well this time around, is that we have a seeded Wise county tournament at the end of the year, and the only other really strong team that I know about is also from Decatur. They beat us in the scrimmage a couple of weekends ago, and the girls did not like it at all. The other team is good, but prissy, all made up and ready to go out at 10 years old. Most of my kids look like they just left gym class, walked to the game and got in a fight on the way, just like I like 'em. Scrappers, almost every one of them. So we talked about it before the first game, and we decided to "Just win, baby." Hey, they're on board with it, so fine by me, let's do it. If they want to be competitive and have fun winning, instead of just showing up and having fun, cool, but there may be a game when we just don't have it, and they understand that and are ready to deal with it then.

One of the girls has an older sister that plays for the Decatur Lady Eagles softball team, which is leading district right now, and the rest know them and want to be them one day. So, I guess they are starting now. Should be fun. By the way, our regular season game against the other good Decatur team is tommorrow at 6:00. I'll let you know how it goes, hopefully well, but if not, that's OK too.

I know it's too long already, but let's face it, if you were actually busy right now, you wouldn't be surfing the internet. So read on, there is an accident ahead.

Sunday, Matthew and I went to Rocky Ridge, north of Decatur to ride our 4-wheelers. We rode and rode and rode for about 3 and a half hours. Lots of fun, a couple of drag races, and one big hill climb later, Matthew asked if we could go back over to the jumps again, because it was "Cool". So, off we went, over hills, through the woods, around the lake to get to the jumps. Well over by the jumps, there is an elevated road, maybe 3 feet tall. We were going down the road, and had to turn off of it to get to his smaller jumps. Now keep in mind that Matthew was jumping this road also, earlier in the day. I turned off of it and cruised over to park and watch him on the jumps, turned around to find him, because he is a good little rider and never strays far until we get to where we are going. But he was not close, so I thought he may have followed George, a good friend that used to work with me, a different direction. As I turned to look a different direction, I noticed some "dumbass" who had wrecked his 4-wheeler and it had him pinned to the ground, face first. THEN, it hit me, "OH SHIT, that's Matthew". All I could imagine in the 10 second blast over to him was broken legs, arms, and possibly gas dripping on him since his 4-wheeler was upside down on top of him. I got there about the same time as George, and we flipped the 4-wheeler off of him, and in typical Matthew style, he popped up, and started telling a story. I believe he was doing this not to cry in front of George and I, but he couldn't quite hold it. He is very hard headed, but in this instance, I actually needed him to cry, just a little to know it is OK to do so. He said, "I'm OK dad, I'm OK, thanks for getting that thing off of me. Man, as I turned off of that hill, the wheels turned the other way and I flipped." I said, "OK Matthew, stop, where does it hurt?" He said, "Well, my arms and legs are OK, I think, but my head hurts around my eyes, glad I didn't have my old helmet on." Yeah, me too, the helmet he wrecked in at the dunes was a cheap piece of shit that Polaris gave us when we bought out 4-wheelers. I said, "Matt, if you are OK, we can keep on riding, you didn't do anything wrong, these things happen. Do you want to keep going?" Of course he did, but he said we shouldn't tell mom, she shouldn't worry. No, I'm not informing her for the first time here, she busted us on our way to eat Greek food, which gives you bad GAS, by the way. I think I asked Matthew, "How's your head?" or something like that, and instantly knew I had given it away. So Angie says, "I was wondering about that mark around his right eye." DAMN!!! Oh well, off we went to eat Greek food, the appetisers were great, we had Hummus dip, Babba ganouj dip, tibbouli salad and Dolmas (rice stuffed in grape leaves), but my entree sucked.

Sorry it's so long, but if you are still reading, I was right, you didn't have anything to do anyway.

See ya then, sooner, like tommorrow,
