Sunday, November 11, 2007

Putting things to rest.

Yeah, it's been a little while. I have had things come up, I guess I should say that we have had things come up. I am still working on my writings about Papa. I have been uncomfortable putting them up here because of my Pop. If you don't understand, I don't care, sorry.

Angie has been going through some things that we still haven't worked out. She should be fine, but I am a worry wart. We are in the process of getting one house sold and another bought. We are packing. Doctor visits. I am working too many hours. Whatever.

Funny thing though, I read through my notes about Papa the other day. Guess what I never mentioned. Hunting! It's the one thing that we did every, single day, and I completely skipped it. WOW! More stories lept into my head. I haven't written any of them down, but they will come when I want them to.

So, look foreward to more posts soon.


P.S. There is something that I read recently about alternative fuels that I will copy, or partially copy here soon. It is very interesting, at least I thought so. Corn is NOT the answer. If we turn all of the corn fields currently in production in America into fuel, it would only replace 12% of our gas usage. 12% does not get us out of dependancy of foriegn oil. In addition, if we turn all of our current soy bean crops to the production of bio-diesel, that will only replace 6% of our current diesel use. Fascinating stuff, it was in National Geographic, October issue, I think.

Anyway, that will be my next post.
