Tuesday, October 03, 2006


I'm sure you all read Angie's blog where she got tagged, listed 5 things that nobody knew about her, then tagged 5 more people to do the same, including me. OK, I'll do it, but I won't tag anyone else, so feel safe, your name is not at the bottom of this post.

1.I really am a nice person. I know I have a rough exterior, but I guess it's just a defense mechanism.

2. I cry when I watch Grey's Anatomy, some movies and Rockstar Supernova, for some odd reason. Does that kill your impression of me? Tough, deal with it.

3. I absolutely hate to go to bed. I know I'm a night person, but I avoid going to bed even when there is nothing else to do. Today, I have my alarm set for 5:30 am, I have to drive to Midland, and possibly back tommorrow, and here I am. I don't avoid it because Angie is in bed asleep, that is very comforting to me, I just avoid it. Don't know why, maybe because so many people die in bed, I'd really like to be awake for that.

4. I sleep well, once I do get in bed, just not long. Very rarely dream, and, no matter if, drunk or sober, I sleep 4 hours or 14 hours, it seems like 5 minutes.

5. Energy drinks just don't do it for me. I like the taste, but they cost too much and I could drink 4 of them and go to sleep. I don't know why, but it's true.


I absolutely love to get up with my kids in the morning. I like making breakfast for them, even if it is just cereal sometimes. But the thing is, this year Angie gets up too, and it actually hurts my feelings. I don't know why, and it's petty, but that had kind of become "my time". I know I don't do Natalie's hair as good as Angie does, but what's wrong with a pony tail. I liked the fact that I was "letting" her sleep in a little. I'm being an idiot, but I bet you didn't know that about me.
