Sunday, August 06, 2006

Tooth Fairy

I heard this on the radio, but, I'll tell it in the first person, because it is funnier. Heard on Mike and Mike in the Morning on ESPN. Featuring former NFLer Mike Golic, and wussy-boy Mike Greengerg. Greenburg's story.

Hey Mike, my oldest child lost her first tooth last night.

Oh really, I didn't think she was that old yet.

Yes, she is. So anyway, I told my wife Stacy that she needed to take care of the tooth fairy duties, because the kids go to sleep before she does. I go to bed early, because I leave the house between 3:30 and 4:00 am, to be here with you.


So, I wake up, eat a small breakfast, and start for the door, about 3:45 am, where I find a note that says "Michael, please take care of the tooth fairy duties." By the way, I must ask you, what is the going rate for the tooth fairy these days anyway.

About a buck.

Ok, so in the Golic household, the tooth fairy leaves a buck. So here I am, at 3:45 am. sneaking up my own stairs, with a hundred dollar bill to leave from the tooth fairy.

Oh my God, a Hundred dollar bill!?

Yeah, did I not mention this is my first time?

Do you know how many teeth each child will lose, you're gonna be broke!

Anyway, I got into her room, placed the hundred under her pillow, and then couldn't find the tooth. I searched everywhere, 3 or 4 times. Nothing under her pillow, so I go back to check again, when I realize I am nose to nose with a wide-eyed 5 year old. So I told her that daddy was just checking to make sure the tooth fairy did, in fact, leave her some money.


Well, yeah, exactly what my wife said in the e-mail I just recieved from her. Apparently my daughter told her that she was worried about daddy, because when she woke up, she thought that I was trying to steal her tooth fairy money!