Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Here they are for this week

1 = weight this week
2 = lbs lost this week
3 = percent lost this week
4 = lbs lost total
5 = total percent lost


01 - 191--------0-------0.00-------07-------3.54
02 - 160--------1-------0.62-------05-------3.03
03 - 240--------1-------0.41-------27-------10.11
04 - 238--------0-------0.00-------18-------7.03
05 - 185--------3-------1.60-------25-------11.90
06 - 134--------0-------0.00-------01-------0.74
07 - 223--------2-------0.89-------10-------4.29
08 - 235--------3-------1.26-------30-------11.32
10 - 237--------0-------0.00-------+1-------+0.42
11 - 173--------0-------0.00-------10-------5.46
12 - 186--------0-------0.00-------09-------4.62
14 - 268--------0-------0.00-------09-------3.25
15 - 206--------1.5-----0.72-------26-------11.21
17 - 236--------0-------0.00-------11-------4.45

and the money part

03 - 240--------1-------0.41-------27-------10.11
04 - 238--------0-------0.00-------18-------7.03
11 - 173--------0-------0.00-------10-------5.46
17 - 236--------0-------0.00-------11-------4.45
01 - 191--------0-------0.00-------07-------3.54
14 - 268--------0-------0.00-------09-------3.25
06 - 134--------0-------0.00-------01-------0.74
10 - 237--------0-------0.00-------+1------+0.42

Monday, February 27, 2006


Here's a fun thing to do. I renewed my love for racing this weekend by going to Abilene and helping my mother and father in law sell fuel at the Ice Breaker at the Abilene Motor Speedway. By the way, I left the track Saturday night, or Sunday morning at 1:30, before the first of the 6-7 features was finished. I was too cold to continue. I wanted to wait around and watch my ex-brother in law, David Boggs, in his feature, but my feet were too damn cold to do so. Also, I bet he didn't hit the track till around 3 or 3:30 AM!!

Anyone who is inclined can pick who they think will win the NASCAR championship this year. Yeah, I know we are a couple of races into the season, but who cares. If your favorite driver is in first or last now, that will probably not be the case later anyway.

If you know me at all, you know that I am rooting for Super G, Jeff Gordon, my family knows that, but my pick will surprise them, and anyone else who knows my stance on NASCAR. Fords suck!!!

I'm not even going to pick a CHEVY this year!!!!!!!!!! I think that Gregg Biffle will win the points championship! Yeah, I know he drives a DAMN FORD! That does not mean that I will root for him, but that is where I think the smart money would be.

If you have an opinion, and I know my dad and father in law do, it is welcome here. Let me know. Wives, or single women are welcome to comment about this too, it is not just a GUY thing.

By the way, my father in law did not do so well on Saturday night. It was a heavy track, meaning wet and a lot of traction. But, on Sunday afternoon, as Angie and I were walking over to the stands to watch, I said, " this is your dad's type of track", dry-slick, meaning all those boys with the big engines could not put all of their power to the ground, and they tend to over drive their cars and usually mess up. Bill does not do that, on a heavy track he is a little underpowered, but on a dry slick track, he does great, because he can still put all of his power to the ground, and he doesn't have to overdrive his car. He won his heat race, while Barbara, Angie, Matthew and I watched. Although there was a moment of worry in the race when he decided to waive to us in the stands, and got a little wobbly. Didn't think we noticed, did ya?

He went on to finish 6th out of 20 in the feature, ahead of all the Abilene cars in the feature, so it looks like another good year of racing for Bill and Barbara.

Aside from that, bring on your picks for NASCAR. I expect Dad, Bill, David, Billy, Bobby, and a few others to chime in on this. Maybe even some of the Barnett Gathering guys that I work with every day. Got an opinion? Let it fly, GOD knows I do.

See Ya Then,

"jih" the artist formerly known as JIM