Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Here they are for this week

1 = weight this week
2 = lbs lost this week
3 = percent lost this week
4 = lbs lost total
5 = total percent lost


01 - 191--------0-------0.00-------07-------3.54
02 - 160--------1-------0.62-------05-------3.03
03 - 240--------1-------0.41-------27-------10.11
04 - 238--------0-------0.00-------18-------7.03
05 - 185--------3-------1.60-------25-------11.90
06 - 134--------0-------0.00-------01-------0.74
07 - 223--------2-------0.89-------10-------4.29
08 - 235--------3-------1.26-------30-------11.32
10 - 237--------0-------0.00-------+1-------+0.42
11 - 173--------0-------0.00-------10-------5.46
12 - 186--------0-------0.00-------09-------4.62
14 - 268--------0-------0.00-------09-------3.25
15 - 206--------1.5-----0.72-------26-------11.21
17 - 236--------0-------0.00-------11-------4.45

and the money part

03 - 240--------1-------0.41-------27-------10.11
04 - 238--------0-------0.00-------18-------7.03
11 - 173--------0-------0.00-------10-------5.46
17 - 236--------0-------0.00-------11-------4.45
01 - 191--------0-------0.00-------07-------3.54
14 - 268--------0-------0.00-------09-------3.25
06 - 134--------0-------0.00-------01-------0.74
10 - 237--------0-------0.00-------+1------+0.42


At 6:40 AM, March 02, 2006, Blogger The Oldies said...

I am shooting for 200# wish me luck , as I am proud of all of us for sticking with this.

At 8:21 AM, March 02, 2006, Blogger Kim :) said...

I am doing my best to crawl over the top of that damn brick wall I hit!!

At 7:07 PM, March 02, 2006, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

Hope you all are doing great this week and enjoying your health food! hahaha


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