Sunday, February 12, 2006

It's funny how things change

When basketball season started, I did not want to coach this team, or any other basketball team, for that matter. Now, I absolutely love coaching this team. They are a great bunch of kids. I actually cancelled the practice scheduled for Tuesday because last time we practiced the school was not set up, or ready, for us to practice. The goals were not in place and no other team practiced that day, so I guess we are done with practice. Am I spelling practice right, it looks wrong to me. We only have one game left, so it is probably no big deal.

Now, here is the big thing that has changed. The other boys are looking to Matthew when they are in a pinch, or we need to score. I have one boy that is extremely good. The game that we lost 44 to 36, he scored 34 of our points. Today he passed off to Matthew. WOW!! And Matt scored. Matthew ended up with 10 points today in our 48-36 win. He only missed one, maybe two shots. He played great defense, and got a ton of rebounds, because he is very aggressive now. Ever since his idiot father finally figured out that he had never played before, and therefore might not understand what he can and cannot do, he has a better grasp on the game. He is wicked on the court. Today was his 5th game, and boys that have played for 2-3 years were looking to him when they needed help. I am completely amazed. I wish everyone could have made it out to see him play, especially the last two weeks.

I almost want to guarantee a 20 point game in the season finally, but I won't. You never can tell how these things will go, but I will guarantee that he will score, and probably a bunch. It is fun for me to see him get into the fray under the basket and come away with the ball, then go down and score. Also, on defense, he will not give up his position, he pushes, shoves, elbows, whatever it takes to put himself in position to get a rebound. God, I love it. He is probably more aggressive than I was in High School basketball, and, belive it or not, I was pretty good.

So I end my day being very impressed, and very humbled, that a group of boys actually decided to listen to me and play the way I wanted them to. I think it has worked out for the best, and I can't wait for next Saturday, and next season.

Till then,


PS I weigh 241 now, 26 pounds from where I started, and today, in the mirror, I actually noticed a difference. WOW!!



At 9:34 AM, February 12, 2006, Blogger The Oldies said...

Yea! Matthew. You play a great game. And congras Coach. Sometimes it seems good things come from the least expected. Good job to the team. Wish we could make the last game.

I think it is great that you have lost so much weight. I am just plugging along. And that is ok.

GO Team

At 1:16 PM, February 13, 2006, Blogger Angie said...

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At 1:16 PM, February 13, 2006, Blogger Angie said...

So many times I just wanted to stand up and say "that's MY boy! That's right...MY boy!!" Even Nat said, "He made ANOTHER basket?"

Open invitation to ANYONE who'd like to come see his last game. Free room, board, and entertainment. Last chance of the season.

1:16 PM, February 13, 2006

At 3:46 PM, February 13, 2006, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

I would love to come and see his game, but I have to work!!! Also, I can't wait until Mason starts playing sports!!!


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