Saturday, February 04, 2006


Well, thanks to my boys, my guarantees are signed, sealed and delivered. We won in a blowout. A 56-18 kind of a blowout. Matthew had not one, not two, but three baskets. Everyone on the team scored except for one boy, and he had plenty of chances, he just didn't get it done. Everyone played exceptional defense, especially Matthew. He was in a shoving battle for position all game, a battle that he won, by the way. Like I said before, my boy is aggressive, he told me that he just didn't know he could do that. Now he does, and he did it outstandingly well. VERY VERY PROUD of all the boys on the team. Too bad that there are only 2 games left, but the softball draft is the following weekend and opening weekend is March 25th. I can't wait for that either. My assistant coach was at Natalie's party tonight, and her and her daughter are ready to go too. I think it is because it is not cold, but I am ready to get started. It will probably freeze and rain every day we have a practice scheduled, but I don't care.

Well, that's it, just a quick update.

Weights should start coming in tommorrow, and hopefully be posted by Monday evening.




At 10:04 PM, February 05, 2006, Blogger Angie said...

That's right...MY BABY made 3 baskets. Scared the heck outta the baby with my cheering...but it had to be done :)

At 12:13 AM, February 06, 2006, Blogger Jim said...

Don't worry about it, your cheers were much appreciated, very much appreciated. Just to clarify, Matthew made 3 baskets, and you scared the heck out of Brayden.


At 4:15 PM, February 06, 2006, Blogger The Oldies said...

And he made them from a distance away from the basket, good job Matt & Jim

At 4:15 PM, February 06, 2006, Blogger The Oldies said...

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