Wednesday, January 18, 2006


What does entitlement mean? I have my own idea of what it means, and I will share it later, then I will look it up and put the definition on here also, because I could be wrong.

I heard a radio ad today that states "Everyone is entitled to own their own home."

Sorry, I gotta go back to my old self here for a minute, I will clean it up a little, but you will still get the point. BullShit!!

To me, to be entitled to something means that you get something because, you, or someone, thinks you deserve it, and in some cases it is completely correct, but in this case it is not. Not that you can afford it, or have earned it, but because you deserve it, or it is your God given right, so it is yours.

Anybody here ever bought a house? We have, bought 3 to be exact. I don't remember anybody giving them to us becausewe had a young family, or were broke, or whatever and deserved them, we freakin' paid for them.

Now, here is the definition of entitle, because entitlement was obscure and kept refering to entitle.

"To furnish with a right or claim to something."

You want to know who is entitled to something?

The Katrina victims, people who lost everything and got nothing more than a $2000.00 check from FEMA. That's bullshit! What the hell is $2000.00 gonna replace these days? Your clothes? Damn sure not gonna replace a dwelling or most of your possessions.

What a shame that we, or some people, are trying to tell today's society that they are entitled to things that are supposed to be earned. This would not have happened twenty years ago. I think that this idea of entitlement, not just to a home, is the basis of what is wrong with my generation. Everyone wants everything NOW and for FREE. Does anyone try to go out and get a job, do it well and move up in a company? How about starting your own business, would you, or anyone want people with this mindset working for them? God, can you just imagine what the next generation will be like.

I know this is all too serious for someone like me to worry about, but hell, who else is concerned?

Let me know, right or wrong. I am interested in your opinion, seriously.

See ya then,



At 8:17 AM, January 18, 2006, Blogger Kim :) said...

I think you are right on about this!! I don't feel like we were entitled to our home, but worked our asses off to get it. You said it very well my friend!

At 8:37 AM, January 18, 2006, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

AMEN -- I live in the Entitlement Capital - they all think they are owed something! That is funny that you heard that on the radio, becasue I was listening to the radio last night and they were asking kids that were around 13 different questions. Who is the president, who is the mayor of New Orleans, Who is the vice president, Govenor of Louisiana --- They didn't know any answers, but they could answer what rapper sang Run it! What is wrong with the future -- our parents are taking the time to teach our children - the schools aren't going to teach them everything! ---- Stepping down off my soap box too!


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