Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Anybody else

Let me know what you think about this. I have decided to keep the women's weight a secret, just post the percentage of weight that they have lost instead. I think everyone will be honest, and a few have expressed that their weights made public would make them uncomfortable. That's not what I want to do, so just be honest, because there is no prise, and I have no problem with that. Does this pose a problem for anyone else? Weights can be e-mailed to me at, or to Angie, and you all have her e-mail. Let's Just all try to get them in on Sunday, or early Monday. I don't guess I mentioned it, but we will be going by percentage of your total weight that is lost, it is the only way that is fair for both men and women.

Let me know,


P.S. I have Me, Angie, Beth, Kim, Bobby, Chanda, and am waiting on Billy and Barbara, anyone else in? I will post as soon as I have everyone.



At 10:59 AM, January 04, 2006, Blogger Kim :) said...

Sorry I was late with my weight to start with, but the holiday threw me off. I will get it to you Sunday each week now.

And I was one of the ones that was worried about my weight being put out there, but now I say to hell with it. If you want to post it just go for it, maybe that will be one of my motivations to get off my lazy ass and get some of the pounds off!

And if we decide to go with putting some money into a pot like Bobby and Chanda suggested I am up to that as well. I am way flexible here!


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