Saturday, December 17, 2005

Yep, he did it!

I saw it, Angie saw it, Natalie saw it, Bill saw it and Lisa saw it. Brayden WALKED!!! I saw at least 5 steps one time.

Ok, it all started when I was up on the roof, doing what I should have done weeks ago. I was putting the christmas lights on the roof, when Natalie came outside and said, "DAD, BRAYDEN WALKED!!!" Yes, I believed her, but I didn't see it, and neither did Angie because she was helping me with the lights. I had to hurry because Bill, Lisa, Mason and Jolie were almost here. I actually finished after I could see their headlights coming down the road. Later when we were inside talking, Angie tempted Brayden with something, I can't remember what, and he took 3 steps to her. Lisa came in and she did it again, and he took 5 steps, and we all saw it. AWESOME!!! I was hoping that both of my boys wouldn't be slow. Matthew didn't walk until he was 18 months, Natalie at 11 months, so Brayden has both of them beat at 10 1/2 months. WOW!! Another nice Cristmas present, where will it end, he will probably be running by Christmas day. 4-wheelers by spring?!? Football by fall, hell I'll coach that too! That's it, just wanted to beat Angie to the punch, but I'm sure she will expound on the subject more, because she is with him all day, everyday, and she should.

Till then, Happy Holidays, and

I'll see you then.



At 9:11 PM, December 18, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

That is awesome -- Mason started walking at his first Christmas!!! 11 months!

At 10:36 PM, December 18, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jimmy- Brayden is soooo cute!! I bet he will be walking on Christmas!! I'm so glad we got to see all of ya'll this past weekend!! Definetely going to have to do that again!! Ya'll have a Merry Christmas!! Love Lisa

At 8:47 AM, December 19, 2005, Blogger Kay said...

WOW! Now you're in trouble! You walked at 9 months and I had my hands full keeping up with you! We had a good time at Whiteface this weekend. We sure did miss you guys not being there. Can't wait to see you next week. Love, Mom

At 1:45 PM, December 22, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

WAY TO GO BRAYDEN!! How exciting is that. :) I am glad that you all were home to see it happening! He will be walking non stop any day now!


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