Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I hit a deer!

Yep, I hit a deer night before last. This was just after I found out I was Matthew's head basketball coach, No, I did not sign up for that. Then at lunch, a gravel truck turned over about 100 feet from us when we were standing in the parking lot talking. And finally, there was a fistfight at the compressor station that I went to after lunch.

More on all this later.

Gotta go see what today holds.



At 9:25 AM, November 16, 2005, Blogger Kay said...

Wow! Sounds like you are having one of "those" weeks. Basketball should be fun. Matt is so tall that he should be good at it! Be careful out there! Love, Mom

At 9:35 AM, November 16, 2005, Blogger Angie said...

More details please....

At 9:50 AM, November 16, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

OK let me see if I got this right, you hit a deer an you just found out?Is the basketball at school? are you in the school system?You had lunch in a parking lot, right? And last but not least, you went to a fight at the compressor station, is this a new bar??
All one sentence my ass!!

At 10:13 AM, November 16, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

*laughing* at Bill!! Get' em Bill!!!!

Good Lord, it sounds like you have had a hellova week!! I hope it calms down a bit!

At 6:34 PM, November 16, 2005, Blogger Jim said...

Damn somebody's pissy!

At 7:56 PM, November 16, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

Goodness -- sounds like we shouldn't go anywhere with you have bad Karma (sp?)

At 6:43 AM, November 17, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

We are waiting for the rest of the story!!

At 7:33 AM, November 17, 2005, Blogger Jim said...

Good, keep waiting!

At 5:13 PM, November 17, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

OK I think I got it figured out The rock truck turned over trying to miss the deer,there was a fist fight cuz you didn't take those guys to lunch,you got picked to be the coach cuz you didn't sign up for it , right?

At 5:14 PM, November 17, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

Oh boy I gotta get a job!


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