Sunday, October 02, 2005

Oh My God, A New Post!!

Sorry it's been so long, but I have been busy, honestly. Ever since George quit I have been finding out just how crappy of a job he was doing. I have done nothing but repair things in the field since he left. This really screws up my cushy job. I probably had 60-70% of my stuff in the field off-line. Still have about 40% off, but I will get it up and running by friday, no later than 3:00 p.m., because I am leaving for the dunes at that time. Matthew, Kelly (a friend) and I will head to Kermit, and I don't care if I have a job when I get back or not. Whatever happens, I can deal with when I get back. There will be no changing these plans, and the cell phone will be off, unless Angie calls, of course, then it MIGHT be on!

Dad is taking his RV out for us to stay in, and will be spending a couple of nights with us. Kelly will be taking Matthew to Angie on Sunday, on his way home, and I will be solo til Wednessday, when I head home. I won't really be alone, there are about 20 in our group this year, and most are staying the whole trip. Should be fun. I have done everything to the 4-wheelers that needs to be done, except put them on the trailer and leave.

I really don't have much else to say. The kids are fine, Angie is fine, Marbles is OK. Seeing Carrie, Guy, and Olivia was a treat. I wish they could have stayed longer, but we will have time in the future since they are moving close by. We went back to IKEA, it was better, but not much. I just agreed to go because I knew that Nat, Matt, and I could con Angie into eating at a chinese food restaurant. Hell, I'll do anything if there is a chance that we eat out, or if food may be involved in anyway at all. Even if it is just going to Lowe's, there is a damn good hotdog stand there. I highly recommend it, and if you get a dog on the way in, and you go in alone, nobody will ever know you ate one (wife, kids, ect...). Then it's off to supper you go, HA! Yeah, I know, I can hear you now, "What a fatass." But, in my defense, there is nothing wrong with a hotdog appetiser, now is there. Billy, I'll be looking for help on this one!! Thanks Buddy!!

See you all later,



At 9:47 AM, October 03, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

He lives!!!! :) Glad to see a post today. Sounds like you guys are going to be having some fun this weekend! Much needed vacation time it sounds. Have fun!

At 9:27 PM, October 03, 2005, Blogger Jim said...

Yes, round is a shape, my favorite, in fact!


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