Tuesday, August 23, 2005


I don't know what to write about anymore. I'm not up as late, so I am usually busy right up till I go to bed. I'll give it a try, if it doesn't I'll just stay up late tonight and post again.

Let's see, everyone knows about Beth and Scott being here this past weekend. That was fun. We sat outside Friday night and drank a few beers, just watching the world go by. Saturday we went to HELL, I mean IKEA! What a clusterhump that was. I thought we were going to Six Flags with all the people that were walking into that place. It was crazy, and I will shop there a bunch in the future, online, that is. I will not be back IN that place for a while. I am glad that Beth and Angie had fun, but I am not so interested in shopping that I will put up with that many people. Yeah, I got water spilled all over me at Fridays while we were eating. I thought Angie had a nervous tic going on or something, maybe a seizure. Who the hell knocks over there water out of the clear blue? It ended up being funny, but not initially.

Sunday Beth, Scott and Mason left, and Matt and I went to the MAN STORE, Home Depot. Damn Right, stopped for gatorade on the way and Taco Cabana on the way home. We both had milk on the ride home also, MAN TIME WITH MAN DRINKS. We bought all the lumber for our well house, that has now swelled to a 10' x 10' monster. I got the frame built with little problem, and it looks very good, if I do say so myself. You can't tell that I did it at all. Looks like a contractor was here. The roof is next, and I expect that to be more of a challenge, but so what, I'm just learning anyway. Gary and Kim will be here this weekend, and Gary is a master of any kind of woodcraft, so if I don't get it done, I will be in good hands by noon on Saturday. I do intend to have it done by the time he gets here, though, so we can do other stuff. I kind of want to do it myself, for that sense of accomplishment, ya know? I have never done this before, and I'd like to think that I can pull this off by myself. I do have a friend that is going to come and wire it for electricity though. I'm not going to mess with that, don't want to get hurt. Not my bag.

Other than that, just work. My boss will be here first thing in the morning, so..................., I will definitely stay up late and write another one of these later. I will change the time stamp so it will post just below this one, so read on..................




At 7:04 AM, August 24, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

I am SOO Glad to see a post from you again!! I really have been missing you and your post.

Way to go on building the shed by yourself! I can't wait to see it!

See you guys on Saturday, can't wait to just hang out for the weekend there!

At 8:24 AM, August 24, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

We had a great time -- the nervous tic I am still laughing about

At 8:31 AM, August 24, 2005, Blogger Kay said...

Great to see you back. I love to read what you've been doing and what the kids are up to. Keep it up. Have a good time with Kim and Gary, Kelsey and Brandon this weekend! Love, Mom

At 1:12 PM, August 24, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

Dear uninspired!! With those three kids there is no way that I can beleive you don't have a story, come on quit holding back at the B house there is always someone in the dog house. And I don't mean marbiles lover!

At 1:12 PM, August 24, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

Dear uninspired!! With those three kids there is no way that I can beleive you don't have a story, come on quit holding back at the B house there is always someone in the dog house. And I don't mean marbiles lover!


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