Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Ok, I stayed up late, and I still got nothin'. This used to be so easy. All I had to do was stay up and think, watch the coyotes, listen to the radio, or whatever, and then come type. Yeah, I saved the coyotes for myself, for a while, but I knew I would jinx it, and I did. They have not been back since it rained. I hope they will be back, but I doubt it.

I talked to my neighbor Mike today, and we have a shitload of free pipe to go get, so maybe now I can finally build a damn fence. I need to fence the front of the property, and fence around the house. I will also end up fencing the part of our property that we mow currently, about 2 acres, but that will be last. I need to figure out how to build a gate or gates for the entryway. I will feel more secure knowing that Angie and the kids can lock out intruders if I am ever gone. I want to put an electronic gate on one side so she can open it in the rain, or snow, or when it is cold, or for whatever reason, without getting out of the car. We can also lock up our place if we are ever gone. Since the robbery I have thought about it alot more. Used to be that I was secure in the fact that we were a ways from civilization, but that is of no comfort now. I will be building my shop very soon, and I may need pipe for that, so I am glad that we will have it handy. I have to level a pad, but that won't take much, then form it up, again, not much work. I have only done one cement job, and it was only 8' x 16', so this could be a chore, but I will get it done. Then, something that I am actually good at, a metal building, I have helped on a few, so I get it.

I take the kids to school most mornings, and that is usually a fun time. We listen to the radio, or a cd. Natalie does not care what we listen to, but Matthew asks for music by the band Trapt. They are good, and he learned of them through me, but I don't expect anyone else to know who they are. They are kind of hard rock, but not heavy metal, it's good stuff. How appropriate that he likes the song "Headstrong" the best. That just about sums Matthew up all in one word. I could add a few, like smart, caring, crazy, argumentative, moody, tall, handsome, ill tempered......MY BOY. Natalie is a bit different, she is more introspective, quiet unless provoked, beautiful, smart also, fasion sensitive, helpful, hard headed..............MY GIRL. Brayden is funny, cute, strong, time sensitive - meals of course, mobile now, sweet, and cudly.............MY, uhh, OTHER BOY! OK, MY BABY BOY!! I couldn't have it any better, as far as children go. Of course, Angie and I are wonderfully happy with all of them, as we are with each other. So, as far as our little family goes, we are, in a word, perfect, as I hope you are. Each and every one of you. Hell, you should be, you made the decision to be where you are and with who you are with, so be happy with it. We are.

Till next time, and who knows when that will be,



At 8:26 AM, August 24, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

All the kids are great and Mason had a great time playing with them.

At 9:34 PM, August 24, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

headstrong is a good song (IT ROCKS) I had a good time throwing back a few the other night with you man. When we come down again we will have to get a good game of hold em in so i can take all your $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ know what i mean vern well cya and who knows when i might write again dont like typing much

At 1:11 AM, August 25, 2005, Blogger Jim said...

You won't ever be taking my money, but I can line up a couple of suckers so you can feel better about yourself at the end of the night.

At 8:52 AM, August 25, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who said I need any suckers, I got u man. You are the biggest sucker to take down and I will take u down man.


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