Saturday, August 13, 2005

Enough already!!

Ok guys, that's about enough! I think alot of the last post may have been blown out of proportion. Dad did call me on my cell phone, but I couldn't really talk, because my boss was in the truck with me. I don't guess I got that across to him. Then the other crap started. Everything was just starting to get real ugly, and if I left that up there, it would have defeated the purpose of the post. Hey, I want everyone to get along, that was the point of the last post, but I guess you retards missed it. That was a joke, by the way. Thanks for all the kind words, I really appreciated them. I know the reason that Natalie has dystonia, and what other people think about that does not matter to me in the least. Yeah, it is my fault, Angie's too, SHE HAS OUR DAMN GENES, that's the extent of it. It doesn't matter to me what other people's views are on how I raise my kids. I do it to the best of my ability, and I get better at it all the time. By the way, did you get the crux of that statement, MY KIDS, not yours. End of story.

I will never follow one of Angie's posts with one of my own again, I had my own idea for that one, but I changed it after I read hers. She did a fine job of expressing her opinion, and did not need any of my help. No, I'm not backing away from what I said, but she said it well enough. I still feel the way I feel, and nothing will change that. I will continue to state my opinions and feelings on here, otherwise there is no reason for me to do this. Angie is going to go the warm and fuzzy route, and that is fine, but I will not change how I do this, because I enjoy it. I hope you do too, if you don't, you need to go read something else, then we will both be happy.

The kids and I stood outside last night and watched two coyotes eating bugs under our guard light. It is about 60 feet from our back porch. Excellent views of nature at it's finest. Brayden tried his hardest to scare them off with his crying, but he couldn't. I have been watching them for about 2 weeks now, and last night was the first time I saw them early enough to show the kids. Natalie wants to leave them dead rabbits or dog food to eat. She said that Matthew and I could kill the rabbits with our bows and leave them for the coyotes. I said that I liked the rabbits better than the coyotes, and offered to shoot the coyotes and leave them for the rabbits to eat. We decided that this wouldn't work, so we will leave things the way they are. We will enjoy watching them, and them watching us for as long as they will come around. Especially since all my guns were stolen, and I can't shoot them, I don't want to loose any arrows. Maybe they will be here when Beth and Scott come next weekend, and even Gary and Kim the following weekend. Who knows, Natalie will probably start leaving them dog food, even though she was told not to, because she is a softy. I guess we will have to just wait and see.




At 10:56 PM, August 13, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

Did the kids have a good time camping with Grandma and Granpa Racecar? I bet they had interesting conversations about what they found and saw! Kids in general are so funny in what they think of to say! Love ya

At 1:39 AM, August 14, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

Nat found a peanut butter sandwich rock, ask her to explaine it, Matt found the pavment in front of our campsite . We had eight grand kids with us and the first hour three of them were bleeding, so bring lost of band aids when you take these kids camping.I would not trade these experiances for all the riches in the world. I am the most blessed gramps in the world.


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