Monday, August 15, 2005


Got a short one for ya today to catch you up on the weekend. Saturday we went to the Dallas Museum of Natural History in Fair Park. This was cool, they had reconstructed dinosaur skeletons. They had a T-rex, a turtle the size of a bus, a 4 foot tall armadillo, and some other things. Very neat spot to go spend a hundred plus degree day.

Sunday we went to the Botanical Gardens in Fort Worth and walked around a bit. There are some very green pictures on Angie's blog. If you click on them they will enlarge, much more detail, especially of the third one. That was fun, but hot, very hot.

Today is the first day of school, both Nat and Matt are eating breakfast. We are going to take them in, instead of them ride the bus. Pick them up too, today. So off we go, hope you have a good Monday also.




At 9:05 AM, August 15, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

Hope you both have a great first day of school!

At 10:19 AM, August 15, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

Sounds like a wonderful weekend! Kelsey started school today also and was very excited about it! I hope Nat and Mat got the teachers they were hoping for!

At 8:29 PM, August 15, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

So how was the first day of school? I know that each one of the kidsa had a story to tell.


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