Sunday, August 28, 2005

The shed

Well, Matthew and I went to town again this morning. We picked up what I thought would be the last of the supplies for the well house shed. It wasn't, but we grabbed breakfast on the way home, then I started on the last of the framing for the shed. I almost got done before Gary, Kim, Kelsey and Brandon showed up. I had no time this week to do it in the evenings, with my boss here.

Gary and I went to work on the shed. We got the siding on the south wall before the storm blew in from the north. All I could think about was when our house was framed up. I brought Bobby out here to see it, and it had blown over, completely!!! This time was not as bad, Angie backed my truck up close to the shed, and we tied it down to it with some rachet straps. BUT, I got them too tight, and pulled it out of wack, completely. Gary and I finished the siding, then started on the roof. That's where it showed, or where we realized what I had done. The final piece to the puzzle was when I tried to put the door in, while Gary was still fitting the roof decking into place. The door frame touches on the bottom left and on the top right corners, and the hole has an inch of space, just like the rough-out called for. What do we do now. Who knows, we came in and cleaned up to go eat supper.

We went to Casa Torres, aka Bobby and Chanda's resturant. We all had a good time at supper, even though Gary ordered the wrong food, he was warned but he did it anyway. He probabyly hated it, but he would never admit it, too good of a guy.

Tommorrow, we will fit the pieces to the gable, do the shingles, and southern engineer the door. I have no doubt that we will make it work, that's just what we do. Between the two of us we can probably handle anything that has to do with wood or metal work. I think we can take the sabre saw and make the opening bigger by cutting part of a 2 x 4 off, maybe both 2 x 4's., then cover it with the trim work. I have now realized what trim work is for, that's' what you cover your mistakes with. You don't have to be precise when you have trim work to cover your F-ups. So, all in all, we will be fine. I did enjoy the fact the I had to tell Gary, "Don't worry about it, it's good enough for trade work." And, "You'll never see it from and airplane, screw it." It will be fine, but he is more of a perfectionist than I am, especially since was trained in cabinetmaking, a very precise skill. The look on his face the first time I uttered one of those phrases was invaluable. Tell you how it comes out tommorrow. Hell, maybe I will even have some pix that I can post.




At 7:52 AM, August 28, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

That's great that you almost have your shed completed.


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