Friday, August 26, 2005


I got nothin', so how about a top ten list of stuff I like in and around the place that I live. In absolutely no particular order, just as they come to me.

10 - I like the feeling you get by owning a home versus renting. You know that all the repairs are on you. You can't call the landlord and have it done. I learned this a little in Abilene, but for the most part in Justin. I would wake up on a Saturday morning and know that I had things to do, and after doing a few things I knew that I didn't actually have to rely on someone else to do them. How great is that.

9 - Reading my wife's blog. I love her perspective on things. She is usually upbeat, not always, but usually. She has a way of making me see things differently, a way that I never got from talking to her, wierd, isn't it?

8 - Used to absolutely love living close to my brother. Bobby and I would talk every day. He was always close if he or I needed help. We have never been close before, and probably never will be again. I mean we will not live close to each other again, we will always be close personally, we are brothers.

7 - The Russ Martin Show. I know that nobody outside of the Metroplex has even heard of this show, but it makes me laugh. He is from Dallas, talks about Dallas, and is very funny. It takes about 2 weeks to get caught up on all the inside jokes, but after that you feel like you are in a club with them.

6 - My new neighbors. Paul and Luty are nice people. Mike is a big 'ol woman, even Angie says this, about 6'4" or 5" around 290-310lbs, not much fat. If he comes over, you better be ready to talk, or listen for a few hours, hell, I'm afraid to tell him to go away. They will both help out if you ever need anything though, so how could I complain? Oh, and yeah, only two neighbors, how great is that?

5 - My buddy, Kelly. He moved here about 2 years after I did. I met him in Carlsbad, then he transfered here, and I really like that. We talk almost every day. He comes and plays poker whenever we have a game, we eat lunch whenever we can. I see him every time I pick up Matthew and Natalie from school. It's nice to have friends that are close.

4 - My new house. How could I not like this thing, we designed it ourselves. It is perfect for us, and that is all we could ask for. Everything is in the right place. I love the land around us, the children and I have room to roam at will, and the view is great, night or day, even though the coyotes have stopped coming around.

3 - The fact that Decatur is small, but you can still get almost anything that you need without going into Fort Worth. We have a damn Walmart, and soon a Lowes, so really what else do you need. Also, a couple of the best family owned Mexican and Italian restuarants that I have ever eaten at.

2 - The Decatur Schools. Natalie and Matthew both enjoy their schools. Matthew's school is almost brand new, and Natalie's is very old, but they don't care about things like that. Their teachers are very good and that is what matters. They both have fun while learning. Matthew has had all good days at school, and I am surprised because he talks all the time at home, but I guess he keeps it in check at school. Natalie is more in love with school than an 10 year old girl should be. She loves the fact that her home room is in the basement. She told me a joke that her Science teacher told the class the other day...... If you are an American in the living room, what are you in the bathroom? European!!!! Funny stuff!

1 - Just being happy where we are at, and with our situation. Yes, we have some great friends in other parts of the state, but we are happy here. We all really do get along, for the most part. Angie has the opportunity to work from home and raise Brayden, instead of him being in daycare. In the summer, all the children are here with her instead of being at daycare. I know it gets frustrating for Angie, but I also know she really loves it. I have nothing against daycare or people that leave their children there, but I guarantee everyone of them would trade with Angie if they could. I know the world today makes it necessary for people to leave their children at daycare so they can earn a living. We did it for years, so don't misunderstand what I am trying to say. I love the fact that we don't have to do that anymore, and we would not have had the opportunity if we were not here, I don't think so anyway.

Want a top ten of things I hate about here?


10 - Rock trucks
9 - Rock trucks
8 - Rock trucks
7 - Rock trucks
6 - Oil field trucks on our road
5 - Rock trucks
4 - Rock trucks
3 - Rock trucks
2 - Rock trucks
1 - That son-of-a-bitch, and his friends, that robbed us. But we did, I should say, Angie did, find out that he lives in Justin now. Maybe someday, I will meet him. I can't help but hope so.




At 8:37 AM, August 26, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

Very interesting Jim!! I wouild trade with Angie with out a doubt! Then I know my child isn't being tied to a chair or yanked around.

At 8:48 AM, August 26, 2005, Blogger Angie said...

Hey here's an idea for those who haven't blogged in a while...

If you're not bloggin cause you think you don't have anything to write about...why don't you do a top ten of your own. It's ok to steal ideas from each other :)

At 9:55 AM, August 26, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

glad your back

At 9:55 AM, August 26, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

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At 10:10 AM, August 26, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

I would indeed trade with Angie in a heartbeat as well!

Loved your post. I will be working up a post like this soon as well. It is always fun to know these little things about our friends!

At 4:11 PM, August 26, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont blog i just comment some of the time or none of the time sry if this doesn't bode well with anyone just not the blogging type right now but hey who knows i might join the party and start my blog but as of now i will just read and comment 10% of the time
I enjoy everyone's blog some good info in there so please dont take this wrong way. toodles for now


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