Monday, August 29, 2005

Shed part deaux

Hey, we had a great weekend with Gary, Kim, Kelsey and Brandon here. Gary and I completed the shed, minus the supplies that we were short. It was nice that the pool got used a bunch. I think the kids had a good time splashing around.

This is the shed, or pump house, after the storm. You can still see the red straps that were tied to the truck hanging down outside of the siding. I am in the yellow shirt, working, and Gary is in the orange shirt, not working! Ha! Gary woked a ton, I'm just taking a shot at my buddy. You can make these pictures bigger by clicking on them, by the way. Also, I don't know how to seperate the captions down away from the previos pictures, so the text beside the pictures is supposed to be above the one below. I know it is screwed up, but you have to adjust for it, since I don't seem to be able to, sorry.

This is a picture of the shed, from the house after we were done. Yes, I cleaned up the mess. Angie got a nice shot of all the tar on my ass from roofing the building. How can I ever thank her for that?

Here you can see Gary and I looking very sexy standing by our creation. Gary had just gotten out of the pool, no he doesn't work in his bathing suit. I will be putting trim on the seam above the door. I may put trim on the bottom and top of each side also. We were only short the trim pieces, and about 8 shingles that I will cut and use for the center of the roof.

I have to thank Gary. I could have never done this without him. He knows so much about building things made of wood. He kept telling me we needed to do this or that, and I had no idea, but it got done, and I am very proud of how it turned out. My only contribution was to say "I don't care at this point, just tell me what to do and put a damn screw in it!" Although, I did do the roofing job by myself, I had to make him go swimming. He had not been in the pool at all, and I was afraid the we would finish the building and he would load up his family and leave. He deserved a break, I wish we would have had time to go play golf, but we did not, so he needed to get something out of the deal. I also learned that I do not drink enough Budweiser to be a very good roofer, thank God that is not now I make my living, we would starve. Roofing was the only part of the project that sucked, the rest was hot, but fun. I really enjoy building things, and Gary being here to help made it more enjoyable. So, once again, thanks Gary, I honestly could not have done it without you. By the way, Kim and Angie had a good time with each other. Angie has it all in her blog. Kim is a very sweet individual, and never complained that I hogged her husband all weekend and that we never went and did anything fun. They were held down with the responsibility of the children all weekend, just so we could finish the shed. Thank you very much also, Kim. You too, Angie, I love you.

Well I guess that's it for now, I gotta go snore like a monster and wake up my baby,

See ya then,



At 9:59 AM, August 29, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

Good job and know that you all had fun.

At 12:09 PM, August 29, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I know you are proud of that shed especially with all the blood sweat and tears to make it. Of course the tears are for completing it so well..

At 2:08 PM, August 29, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

We had an absolute wonderful time this weekend! I am so glad we were able to come, and that Gary was able to help you out with the shed. I know that he enjoyed getting to help you. Thanks again for opening your home up to us! It was a very relaxing, wonderful weekend! Love you guys


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