Wednesday, August 31, 2005


I changed the name of my blog. The name seems, to me, to represent personality flaws, it's not a crack at Asians. Guess what? I have plenty! I don't care. Yeah, I'm frustrated tonight. My cousin, Carrie, seems to have lost her house and all her, and her husbands, possessions in the hurricane. That sucks.

We can't get any satisfaction out of the justice system, reguarding the robbery of our house, but we are still working on it. I have found out, that if we sue Greggory Glibert Glover in a civil case, we can collect money off of him if he wins the lotto, or has a rich uncle die, and is stupid enough to leave him something. Since both of these seem unlikely, I probably won't spend the money on a lawyer to do it.

I have people spotlighting near our house at night. I called the Decatur Sherif's department tonight, then stayed up to see if they would come. They did, and they saw the people spotlighting, but couldn't get to them. Deputy Jerry D. Moss came and talked to me at about 1:45 am. He was very nice, and said he thought that tonight it was on the game hunting ranch down the road. This does not make it legal, and he called the game warden who said he would go have a talk with them, because this is not the first call he has recieved about it. I told him that I called because, a while back, we had spotlighters shine their light through our front door. That is very irritating. I remember spotlighting with Papa, but could you imagine him letting me shine a light even near someone's house. Hell no. Anyway, hopefully this will get resolved, and nobody will shoot out one of our windows because of it. I do believe that the complainant's name, mine, is kept out of the conversation. I hope so.

It's all irrelavent anyway. All I can think about right now is Carrie and her family. They are all safe, in Shreveport, but they have nothing to go back to. How horrible can that possibly be? I would have no idea, but I can just imagine how horrible it would be for us to lose everything. Their flood insurance had not taken effect yet either. Beth explains it better in her blog. It is linked on the sidebar of my page. I hope everyone else is ok. We are, but they are not. I hope everyone's thoughts and prayers are with Carrie and her family in this terrible time, I know mine will be.

Till then, be safe



At 7:54 AM, August 31, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

Thank you for thinking about them -- I know you would anyway!

At 10:31 AM, August 31, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

If you decide to help them out with donations from your family let us know because we will help. We got to Gulfport right after Camille hit there. And it was terrible.

At 10:43 AM, August 31, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

I am so sad to hear that your cousin and her family lost everything in the hurricane!! It breaks my heart to see the devastation in that area. Hard for me to grasp everything.


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