Sunday, September 04, 2005

Coyotes -1 Dogs - 0

Well, the coyotes took one of our dogs away from us today. Maverick was severly injured, and has gone into the witness protection plan. Our neighbor, Luty, is a vet tech, and she is taking him into her work as an injured stray. We do not have 500 to 1000 dollars to fix him, so if he goes in as a stray, he gets fixed for free, then adopted into a house in town. Better for him, and better for us. Now, tommorrow, the score will read Jim/Marbles - 2 Coyotes - 1. We win, and I will run up the score if I can.

Later, off to Matt's party



At 1:17 PM, September 04, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is npthing wrong with running up the score now is there.
I know u didn't like mav to well but that said I know u wouldnt wish that on poor mav. You have a secret weapon for those dang coyotes I bet.

At 6:37 PM, September 05, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

Hope that he will get well. Sounded pretty bad

At 8:46 AM, September 06, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

Oh Goodness. :( Sorry to hear about Maverick! Glad to hear that Luty can take him in to the vet clinic and get him help and then he be adopted into a house intown!

At 9:54 PM, September 08, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

Poor Maverick -- is he doing better now? Did he get a new home yet? Did you all lock Marbles up now?


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