Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Jumbled words

I raed a tnihg tdoay taht siad you culod raed tinghs taht wree jmblued. Tihs is beaucse our brnias fcuntoin wlel eogunh to put wrods tgoehter as lnog as the frsit and lsat lteters are crrocet. How azminag is tihs? Now I can tpye any way I wnat, and you wlil uderntsand it. Cool!

How did you do? Go back and read it faster, it really does make sense. I read a three page report done like this to prove a point, and only missed one word, because I didn't know it. Wouldn't have known what it was if it was spelled correctly. I guess our minds are pretty amazing.

I only put this up here because I have nothing on my mind right now. Yeah, things are happening, but I don't have the same drive to come in and type anymore. Hopefully it will return and soon, because I really enjoyed it before, when I was doing it regularly. We will see.




At 10:36 AM, October 04, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

That is strange!! And I could read every word of it just like it was correct! Wierd I say.

I hope you find your mojo again to write here. I, for one, really do miss it!!

At 9:35 PM, October 10, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok buth beady


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