Monday, October 31, 2005

I don't know why!

O.K., yes I do. Everytime we go to my Papa and Granny's house I want to move there. I want to be there from now on, but she is selling the place, and she should. I always end up walking around wondering what it would take for me to move my family there. There is no way that Angie could work from there because I doubt very seriously that she can get a fast enough connection to do her job. I would be 3 hours from my work, and mine can't be done from home. Other than that, there is no reason what so ever.

Yes, I realize that it is time for my grandmother to move on. It is just that there are so many memories there for me. I hung out there much more than anyone else my age in my family. I helped put in all the water lines when they moved back. I helped fence the entire place when they moved back. They lived there when I was born. They moved to keep up with the oilfield when I was young, but they returned. I helped build the house, the barn, the shed, the patio area, the pond, the pig pen, and a few other things. I don't want to lose it, but I can't afford to buy it, and if I could, I couldn't keep up with the maintenance.

This weekend, Dad and I got started getting everything ready for auction. We placed all of Papa's hand tools on a trailer, 30 ft, to be photographed for the flyer that comes out before the auction. I didn't even get through there were so many. I didn't even touch the pliers or the screwdrivers, and the trailer was full. Dad kept dusting everyone with the damn blower, just to get all of the floor clean from where he moved stuff. There were times that I almost cried when I would open a drawer, but instead I laughed as loud as I could. It was actually funny to me. How can a 30 foot flat bed trailer be completely full of tools, then you open a drawer and find 200 screwdrivers and 100 pairs of pliers? Who has 13 1/4" sockets that are 1/4" drive. Who the hell has a 1/2" impact socket that is 3/4" drive??? Who else has a 48" pipe wrench? We couldn't find the 60" pipe wrench. Also, who has 3 sets of 3/4" drive sockets complete with rachets, t-handles, extensions, and universals? Who, my Papa, that's who. Now some lucky son-of-a-bitch will get a part of this for nothing at an auction. Damn!

The auctioneer will need help, or a list, just to be able to auction it all off. There is no way any one person can possibly know what it all is. The auction is Decenber 10th if anyone is interested. Call me if you want directions, you will need them if you haven't been there before. Hell, you may need them if you have been there before, that is part of the lure of living there. I wish I could, but I know that I can't. Oh well, nothing lasts forever, just memories.


P.S. Happy Halloween!!

Also, don't say anything to Granny about this. She does need to get away from there, and my selfish feelings shouldn't stop her.


At 8:24 AM, October 31, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

I can so relate to these feelings. When my mom and aunt sold my grandparents home I felt so empty, so lost. That house had so many wonderful memories. I can't even bring myself to drive by the house now.. I don't want to see someone else living in it, to see what they have changed. I want to remember it exactly like I do now.. with my Nannie and Papa happy living inside.


At 8:36 AM, October 31, 2005, Blogger Angie said...

Love ya honey. You did good work this weekend :)

At 9:54 AM, November 01, 2005, Blogger The Oldies said...

I know how you feel. When we were in Ct. I went past my grandfater's house and thee was no house. It had been smashed with a wrecking ball and taken to the dump. Let pray that who ever gets the home place will fill it more happy memories. And the band played on.Love you

At 7:59 PM, November 01, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

Glad you got to go and help, but dang we will all miss that place --so many memories for all of us!!!! Love ya Beth


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