Saturday, December 03, 2005

It's on the WHAT?!?!

So, you know how sometimes you go into a convenience store in the metroplex, and sometimes the person that works there isn't from Texas, or the U.S., or the western fucking hemisphere. You know, open-toed sandals and really bad breath, not to mention a forehead dot scattered about here and there. Sometimes, not always, but often, they can be verrrry hard to understand. Ok, everybody on the same page. I don't dislike them, I don't think they are all over here on Jihad, hell, what opportunities are there where they are from. We even have one fella that we always tell, "Muhammed, if you wore a turban nobody could tell you apart from Osama Bin Laden.", or the always popular, "Mo, bring your Osama lookin' ass out here and take our order." To which we always recieve a hearty, "Fuck you, my friend!" We really are friendly with the guy, and he is nice, those are just the openers, otherwise I would never eat a hamburger from his joint, too risky.

Sorry about that, on to the story. We were in Denton the other day, when Angie said, "Sounds like Brayden is ready to eat, can you stop and warm him up a bottle while I feed him his banana yogurt?" To which I reply, "No problem" So I venture into this little store off of I-35E over by home depot. When I go in the place, I asked, "Can I use your microwave to warm up my baby's bottle?" "Sure." he says. Ok, I got that one, no problem. So I start looking around for the microwave when he says from behind me, "It's on the pisser." What the hell did he just say? So I turn around and looked at him, and as serious as he could be he pointed and said "It's on the pisser." Huh? OK, so as I am about to go into the bathroom, to see if this is true, then leave to go find some other means of warming up the bottle, I notice that the PIZZA is right next to the door to the Pisser! Guess what, there was a nice, CLEAN microwave sitting on top of the Pizza! WHEW, I thought I was going to have to hold the bottle in front of the exhaust pipe on the truck to warm it up, because there is no way in hell that I would have used a micro in the pisser. I warmed up the bottle, and on my way out I said, "Thank you" to which he replied, "No problem, my friend." Then he was back on the phone, in Aribic, to Jihadland, planning God knows what. But, I had a warm bottle, a happy baby and wife, and no worries.

See ya then,



At 10:26 PM, December 03, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

That was quit interesting!!! Sounds like that was adventure!

At 9:33 AM, December 05, 2005, Blogger Kay said...

We had a big laugh while reading that one!

At 9:39 AM, December 05, 2005, Blogger Angie said...

What was the most funny is sitting in the truck, having no idea what was going on and being said....and wondering WHAT on earth is making Jim have that expression on his face.

At 8:43 AM, December 06, 2005, Blogger Pam Berryman said...

a true Berryman view point, I must say!!! too funny.

At 11:37 AM, December 06, 2005, Blogger Kim :) said...

That is TOO funny!! Glad you were able to figure out what he really meant and get the milk warmed up! *laugh*


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