Monday, December 19, 2005

Christmas time, Christmas time

Well, one down, how many more to go?

Christmas at Dave and Steph's was fun. Bill and Lisa were there with Mason and Jolie. They spent the night with us the night before, and we went over together Saturday morning. As you can imagine, two couples with 2 and 3 kids each, we ran a little late. Dennis and Sherry were there, as were Gary Wayne and Lindsey. Lindsey is pregnant and due July 27th. Billy and Carolyn were there also. Carrie "Berryman" Restel also came and brought Olivia, Guy had to work. We had fun, all the kids played together really well. Plenty to eat and drink, good company, very festive. As a matter of fact, Steph and I drank 4 or 5 bottles of champagne between us. I got festive, but the chairs and walls kept getting in the way.

P.S. Mason, thanks for the voicemail, buddy! I Love You Too!!! Come back anytime you want. We had a blast with you guys!

Sorry this is so short, maybe more later, maybe not, haven't decided.

See you then



At 7:57 AM, December 20, 2005, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

Glad you got one down! We don't start the maddness until Christmas EVE!

At 9:44 AM, December 20, 2005, Blogger Kay said...

I hope you're ready for some gumbo! I figure you'll all be tired of turkey, ham and even dressing by the 30th!


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