Sunday, January 22, 2006


OK, I skipped last weeks basketball game for two reasons. #1: It was a freakin blowout, we were up 20-2 after the first quarter. I had to tell the boys to take it easy, start passing more, get your teammates involved, stuff like that. #2: As bad as it sounds, I was dissappointed in Matthew. He did nothing in the game like he did in practice. He was nowhere near the basket, ran around with his hands in the pockets of his warmups and freakin high-stepped like Deion Sanders down the court. That's not my boy, my boy is aggressive, maybe even a little bit crazy. I guess I have to let that game go because it was his first ever basketball game. By the way, we won 48-30.

Today's game was much different in two ways. #1: It was not a blowout at all. #2: I could not be prouder of Matthew. First off, we only won the game by four points, 52-48, man it was a nail biter the whole way. We were down 2-0 and 4-2, but we tied it up and never lost the lead, but it was close the whole way. They did tie us at 20-20, but we pulled back to a 12 point lead near the end of the game, only to have them come back to within 4 points at the end. Matthew did not score, but he did have his chances, as I told him he would if he stayed under the basket, got the rebound and shot it back up without dribbling. He told me later that he was excited after getting the rebounds and rushed the shots. Close but no cigar. Also, he played tremendous defense. He was the only one that stayed with his man all the time, and kept himself between his guy and the basket. His man only scored 4 points while Matt was on him, and he was a good player. The quarter that Matt sat out, he scored about 8-10, so I am very happy. No hands in the pocket, no high-stepping, good defense, 4-6 rebounds and a couple of scoring opportunities. Not bad for his second game ever. I will personally guarantee that Matthew scores next Saturday!!!

In other news, Grandman and Grandpa Racecar are here and were at the game. They had to make fuel deliveries on Friday and stayed for the game. Thanks for coming and thanks for the support during the game, not to mention the help with all the stuff around the house.

Brayden has slept the past 3 nights all the way through, for the first time ever. We have had a couple of full night's sleep in the past year, but not many. It sounds like he is on his way to a fourth right now, I hope I dont jinx it. He is walking everywhere, and plays like nobody's business.

Natalie is seriously craving some softball, and to be honest, so am I. I saw a couple of my players from last year, and they can't wait to go either. So hopefully it will get started soon and we will have as good a year this year as we did last year. I know it will be more fun, since most of the girls will know each other and the positions that they are playing better.

Well, I guess that's about it for now,

I can't wait to see how everyone did this past week in the weight loss competition. Good Luck everyone, let's get skinny.

See ya then,



At 10:54 AM, January 22, 2006, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

Congrats on the games!! I hope everyone is feeling great about themselves this week and loosing some weight!

At 9:02 AM, January 23, 2006, Blogger Kay said...

OK, so Matt wanted to impress his fans, sounds like he got with it in the second game. He'll get better as the season progresses. They just have to get used to being on the floor in front of everyone. What time is his game on the 4th? Love Ya!

At 7:06 PM, January 23, 2006, Blogger Jim said...

Matthew's game on the 4th is at 12:30pm.


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