Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Things Remembered

We have lost some very important people, especially in the last year, but this isn't just about this past year. I have just started to, or just learned how to put these things into perspective. I have no idea if this will help anyone deal with anything, except for me, but here goes.

This is dedicated to those who were close to, or knew, Papa, Pop, Karen, or Bob Wheeler. Bob was my best friend's father.

They haven't really left for good. They've just gone on ahead a little. One thing that they taught us by example is that you get up and put your clothes on and you do your thing, until you don't get up anymore.

I guess what I am trying to say is that they aren't really gone if they never leave our hearts and our thoughts. They are just ahead, waiting on us.

Maybe we don't always succeed, but we, at least the ones I know, are pretty good at grinding it out.

I won't lie to you. I don't understand why GOD took them from us, but if the fact that GOD sent them here to be among us, no matter for how long, doesn't point toward a loving GOD, then I can't help you.
